Please Change Sylvanas's Face Back for SL

I mean I can transmog into nothing but pants and a weapon so, who cares for realism at this point in a game with magic and dragons.

her old model was better


That’s what she looked like in Warbringers and the BFA cinematic series. It’s cool.

Looks silly, but then again, Sylvanas is very silly.


Well, regardless both of those sets are gone. We now have full-blown Jailer Sylvanas. If you want skin exposed I’ve got good news. You can see part of her legs. Yay?

I have missed the comments about the sneer. Don’t get me wrong, they definitely have a sneer. It’s in their whole body expression, though, not just the face.

Sylvanas was a high elf, I am unsurprised she bears resemblance to blood elves.

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looks kinda dumb tbh, her head seems out of place with the rest of her.

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I liked it better when she was a Night Elf :smiley:


She is not evil… You all can’t see the big picture… Whoever put us on Azeroth is/are the evil ones… Sylvanas is the one who will set us free from that evil.

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She hasn’t looked anything like them in forever.

I was ok with them giving her a unique model, and I LOVED the version in Legion and early BfA (when she fought Genn and in the throne room of Lordaeron when she nuked it).

THAT was a good model.

“Generic Blood Elf model 6 with makeup tweaks” just doesn’t cut it.

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I don’t see a problem here.

She’s embraced working for the Jailer fully, and has taken on an appearance more befitting of someone who works for the leader of the Maw.

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Right, she just committed genocide with good in her heart.


From her point of view the Jedi are evil.


I feel like you’re putting a lot of words in my mouth to insinuate something. I never stated I disliked her jailer look. I kind of like it, I mean it’s new, so there’s nothing else to compare that particular look to.

I just said her old model was better without the random leather bits

I didn’t put any words in your mouth.

Never said you did.

I love her new model OP. Think it suits her waaaaaay better.

She has cheeky bones :heart:

She definitely has a more narrow facial build and more defined cheek bones. I think they are going with the “slimmer face” look to make her more villainy.

I think they should give Sylvanas the Aprils Fool face for Draenei.

More like the “her health has take a turn for the worse” look.

I miss old Sylvanas…