Please cancel Retake of Gilneas

Do gnomes live that old?

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If you think tolerance of intolerance is ok you’re the problem. A intolerant person isn’t going to be tolerant because you were tolerant of them…No, what “we” are doomed about is people like you who are enabling and making excuses for bigotry. So you’re ok with white supremascist viewpoints for example then hmm? I have a feeling this guy has said some problematic things more than once in his life…


Sounds like a thinly veiled excuse to enable bigots. No. Not having it. If you’re a card carrying white supremascist or other such bigot you deserve to have your life in shambles from being canceled.


You mean the one that fled and didn’t come back even after Arthas was dead until just before BFA? I don’t trust her. I think she’s a plant.


You can do both. Goth is all about knowing the world is dark but there is also beauty still


Ok first of all. EVERYONE has said something at somepoint in their lives that is probably considered problematic now. It’s part of growing up and learning more about others and the world. I’m sure YOU have also said something that would be considered problematic.

Secondly, this mini-topic of bigotry came about in the midst of talking about Homophobia. So to not only jump to White Supremacy from that, but then also HEAVILY try to insinuate that someone is one, because they believe people should try to talk things out, is a massive leap.

It honestly comes across as you projecting your own racial issues onto people on the forums.

Like dial it back some friendo.

Fine since no one likes the SM.

Not fine, she still needs to be retconned back to obscurity.

Got to love how dismissive that “heritage” quest was.

Our garrison commander was a better representation of Gilnean than that quest, and she pretty much started off as a comic relief-ish.

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THAT would be a good way to stir up some faction friction again, the idea of her being a PLANT even if she’s not one.

Which will appease people who want more faction war.

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Except that Gilneas have very much tamed the curse turning it more into an asset and a tool.

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That still doesn’t mean you spread it, though. Both Undeath and the Worgen state are curses, and both need to be contained, so it makes sense to lock it down as best as one can.

I like how Calia talks so much about having to prove she has the Forsaken’s interests at heart and her first act after joining the Desolate council is sending Forsaken to die for the Alliance.

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I mean, I see your point, but I’m also curious if the Worgen Curse is spread onto their kids if the Gilneans have kids.

Like I know that Gilneas comprises of both Worgen and Non-Worgen.

But I can also see why their soon to be Queen would want or should get the Curse.

I don’t think the Worgen Curse is hereditary, which means it should eventually phase out of Gilnean society with enough generations.


If that’s the case, then I don’t see a point in Tess getting the curse.

Unless we find out later that they’ve been intentionally spreading the curse for like a Military might thing, which I could see being the case. In which case might as well curse her up too, for when they inevitably replace Gen with her as the frontrunner in the story.

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god, i hate the horde so so so so much

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Me too, at least at times.

Like I know Dragonflight’s Story Theme is about healing, and banding together. We even end a Dragon War via healing, and by uniting all of Dragonkind.

But like…having Forsaken characters help is just soooo tone deaf for the Worgen story.

Like I don’t get it. I’m not gonna say it’s BAD because I don’t know yet if I’ll like it until I see it.

But I feel like they could’ve used almost any other Horde character to be the Liason for the Horde.


No you tried to make excuses for it under the guise of "talking it out. Its NOT a “massive leap” because a lot of people who are homophobic seem to also be bigoted against other things as well.

And there is a difference between having said something problematic in our youth that was only said a few times and someone who is definitely a bigot and carries those beliefs throughout their whole lives.


Actually it IS a massive leap. Race suprememacists and Homophiba are two vastly different categories in the grand scheme of things. Or are you going to tell me that the black gay community who are at more risk of attacks due to how much their community is known for being anti-gay is all because those non-white individuals are actually white supremacists? Like making that leap marginalizes SOO many people, it’s not even funny.

Yes, there is. But we BOTH know how YOU worded what you said. Your words and how you structured them HEAVILY implied that person was a White Supremacist. Which is again a leap, and it’s uncalled for.

No, I said that cancel culture is not the answer to being accepted and having a truly progressive society.

I then gave examples from my own personal experiences, as to why I find that repeatedly trying to be understanding and civil is the only way that some people ever change their viewpoints, and therefore the only effective way of change.

None of that is an excuse for thier behavior…but ok…

It’s not a massive leap. Racism and Sexism are both subsections of classism and convenient distractions to keep people away from policies that would actually fix stuff aka policies that tackles classism and thus also go after wealth hoarders.


Haha , get wrecked horde scum