Please cancel Retake of Gilneas

I’m not entirely sure how you can minimalize things like Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia into a lumped group of “rich people bad”…

but ok…with that I’m gonna mute this thread.

We can see the curse being spread even after being “cured” as seen in the Silvepine quest line with Ivar running around sharing the curse with humans refuges scattered in the forest.

So there is a chance for the Gilneans to straight up opt to preserve and maintain it. Especially since it have helped them military to a degree. Like just see how Genn slaps everyone about in Stormheim when he gets under threat.

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Because, time and time again it’s wealthy people riling up tribalism and sic them at each other. Which keeps the lower classes and peasants preoccupied with “issues” that doesn’t really affect them at all. Which in turn means that the wealthy are free to commit to hoarding even more wealth at the expense of everyone else.

No policies that “tackle” racism or sexism is going to fix things long term since those groups will just be crammed into yet another marginalized class.


Not everything has to be epic, okay. I had enough with the epicness and all that.

Gilneas needs a story that is good enough to make it into a operational city with a flight point.

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Yeah no.

It’s going to happen and you’re going to have to live with that.

Just because the writing isn’t to your standards, doesn’t mean it’s bad, and not everyone feels the same way you do.

Guys keep the political topic out please.

It’s detracting from the point. Nobody’s mind is being changed anyway

Blizz just technically forgetting that Gilneas has been owned by the Alliance since Cata following the Silverpine quest chain.

Also hasn’t it been like five years in game since Calia said the Forsaken were leaving Gilneas? And Genn and the Alliance have done nothing to reclaim the country in that time?


Why does Blizzard hate worgen?

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Did the scarlets steal a Titan facility and now they’re 3D printing zealots? Where do these people keep coming from?

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No, they aren’t going to cancel because you think it’s going to flop.

But, the good news is you’ve likely managed to write the only true statement here in the last 6-months. That’s not nothin. :saluting_face:

Start of Cata they plagued the hell out of it - So it had to be evacuated.
— The plague had dispersed by the end of cata & was filled with the Twilights Hammer and a sinister black dragon, hiding from the other flights – Until a rogue assassinated them.

From then onward it was a bit of a tugglewar rollercoaster, so if they do decide to do a questline or story etc – It’d be nice to touch base on all of the history that followed, lol

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Ohh, undead dragon to fight maybe.

I’d say criticizing DF storytelling only makes sense if you talk about how much time went into the questlines to develop characters, clearly stabilish who they are and only then let the plot take its course.

If it is really bad, it isn’t because it is “nice”, it’s because the “nice” is too generic and needs more development. Maybe more quests to set the mood.

I hope this event is significantly better than retaking Gnomeregan and the Echo Isles with lasting implications, which to me each amounted to very little other than a starting area that you spent about 15 minutes in.

Is it making me more curious now:

  1. Apparently remade Silvermoon during Midnight?
  2. New world tree for the night elves
  3. Retaking Gilneas

Will there be more like this? Rebuilt/reestablished capital cities. I remain hopeful at an elaborate remade old world.

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Told him. Now someone else is agreeing with me. Dude is wrong.

As an alliance player and one who has a Worgen as my main I am glad to finally get the chance to return to my home and liberate it. It is a long time coming.

That being said I do understand why those who play the Horde would be upset by this choice. It feels that this would have been a perfect time for the Development team to actually make Factions relevant again by giving each side their own questline. Alliance should be reclaiming Gilneas while the Horde is working on repairing Undercity/Lorderon.

Daily quests would reward resources needed for rebuilding while weekly quests would be working on liberating cities from opposing forces. Could almost make it some sort of faction pride race to see which side reaches the goal first.

Forcing one faction to do a quest that has no benefit for them seems odd. I get the occasional small quest that could be done in a day but something that takes a whole patch needs to have a benefit for both sides.

thing is, last time Worgens were in touch with Gilneas was when they were on a Night Elves’s boat fleeing to Darnasus, because the Horde not only took over, but also infected it with the blight. Now they are gonna hold hands and save Gilneas together from what leaks are saying the Scarlet Crusade? So the Forsaken abandoned the area after all? And Worgens and Night Elves are supposed to just forget everything the Horde did to them and just be happy? NONE of Horde main cities got destroyed by the Alliance like Teldrassil and Gilneas got destroyed by the Horde

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The only good writing in the original Gilneas content was the speech Genns son gave to his troops and it was largely ripped off from Winston Churchill.

You’ll hate it because it’ll never live up to your nostalgia. Not because of the writing.


I’m sure we’ll forgive the horde for yet another war crime.