Please cancel Retake of Gilneas

Oh my god no! Arthas was the best bad guy blizzard has had in all of its media! Leave Britney-thas alone!

I hope they dont ruin him…

We don’t joke about that here, it’s against the law. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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Omg why her like wish Blizzard would just shove her into a dark corner of the undercity to be forgotten and let Lillian Voss lead the Forsaken like she should have after they ruined Sylvanas rather then coming up with that council nonsense.

Where is this delusion arising from? Shadowlands put him away for good along with Garrosh.

Idk man i feel like its poetic that she leads em.

Arthas created and broke the forsaken, callia as another menethil will fix them in a manner of speaking.

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Still my Favorite OG undead. A pity Calia is there…


Real good thing that going straight to ‘persona-non-grata’ isn’t actually the first step! That’s reserved for the real cow-dungs of society that just can’t get it through their head that these are people too and deserve their respect and to exist.

Everyone thinks it’s instant cancel culture because no one sees the actual first step of ‘hey, that wasn’t cool’. Pro-tip: If someone says that, offer a sincere apology and, if you’re genuinely clueless, ask why and then be better. By and large, most ‘infractions’ begin and end there. If someone elects to be better, they don’t need further correction and all’s well. If someone decides to stay toxic, then they’re gonna get treated as such.

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I am a lesbian and I gotta be honest, how often do you actually talk to bigots, like actually have civil discussions with them? Because I can honestly say every time I have tried that their argument always just comes down to something like “you should just stop being gay/trans/queer/etc, it’s not natural for humans to be that way” and there is genuinely nothing that can change their mind on that, there is no discussion to be had on that from their end. Don’t you think the “civil discussion” should also be coming from the intolerant people, too? But it doesn’t, which is why it’s impossible to be tolerant of intolerance, because all it does it just allow intolerance to exist without criticism and allows it to ultimately win. There is no “civil discussion” to be had with someone who is intolerant over you just… existing.

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With Blizzard writers doing the writing I wouldn’t put it pass them to try to bring him back in a stupid way. Probably with bunny ears and a reindeer nose with love in the air transmog with a pumpkin squashling pet by his side.

I never understood that natural part. I mean dudes have been banging dudes since the ancient times.

I forgot their name but there was a greek hoplite unit that were married to other men in the unit. They were literally undefeated until the battle where the got massacred.

Either way a persons sexual orientation and their skin color is the LEAST important part about them.

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Kalecgos said that referencing the Blue Dragonflight questline that you clearly didn’t bother doing.

I deal with them ALL the time.

I’m a gay boy who grew up in small town Missouri, the center of Redneck Country land.

I’m not going to lie and say they are all even somewhat remotely open to a civil discussion, but some have been.

I just also know from my own experience that doing anything other then constantly trying to be civil with them, goes nowhere ever. Sometimes though, it does work and get it through their heads eventually. Which is my point.

It’s a very slow process sure. But it can work, so I feel like that’s the only way to see it really change, just personally.

I didn’t know Merithra helped in those quests…

Maybe if they are already friends/family members. But I don’t really see the point in trying to have a civil discussion with a complete stranger who knows absolutely nothing about me besides the fact that I just happen to be a lesbian and already has decided they hate me just because of that. Like, they’ve already conceded that civil discussion is not possible with them whatsoever based on just that alone.


You did remember to invite Goldar correct? Because I am not dealing with the fallout from that one if you didn’t.

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Often, and sometimes especially, not even then. Too many people in the community have mired themselves in decades of abusive relationships with people who essentially want them to not exist under the pretense of family.


Merithra didn’t say the family line though did she now.

Anyway you clearly don’t pay attention to the story or the lore so not gonna bother arguing with you clearly just want something to be outraged about

Dear Blizzard Developers,

Please cancel game content because a Tauren named Dakota doesn’t like it.


General Discussion


Sorry bro they are too busy making Lilian and shandris into a couple to make her a strong leading role. Sadly she will be made into a token character that blizzard can point to for “diversity” the next time they get called out for assaulting a woman or threatening to kill a secretary or something.

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is it now i thought they did not add it to the ptr?