Please cancel Retake of Gilneas

People just need to grow backbones again.

Ill never understand why a person who has literally zero impact in your life bothers you so much.

You think you will get rid of bigots etc? LOL
In no dimension is that possible.

Like you said gay people used to be those bigots people hated. Just ignore them, your life will be much happier.

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Imagine the offspring of this unholy sexual union. :nauseated_face:

Oh, the eyes? Let me just put some contact lenses real quick!


One side is trying to deny people basic rights and freedoms. So there is 100% a difference and this is absolutely not a case of ‘both sides’. One is clearly wrong.


Huh? That don’t make sense? There two different species. How are Vulpera’s involved with Gilneas? Thats like Worgens being involved with Vol’dun and reclaiming that place for Vulpera’s and getting them a Capital City.

Right, because being intolerant to people who are bigoted and intolerant of others is the right thing to do. Those are not even close to the same thing.


OP certainly has a point. Every time real WoW fans hear about upcoming in-game story, we approach with caution as everything that baits with nostalgia in pop culture, media, including this game, absolutely eviscerates the heart and soul behind the source material (in this case, Gilneas). And of course the fake fans find entertainment in seeing veterans lose a thing they loved, hence reporting this very based OP’s assessment/prediction of things to come. :+1:t4:

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Do or do not, there is no try.

Those ppl who “try” to do what you said will never succeed. So again why care about what some rando a-hole says?

Ahh you’re one of those goons.

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Vulperas are everywhere after they got unleashed into Azeroth…

I’m still confused how this topic got brought up in the thread.


Because by raising a voice to it we show that such a belief isn’t tolerated? I won’t do much on my own, no, but if someone else pipes up, that’s two. Then two people speaking out might empower others to start speaking, etc etc.

Getting rid of that garbage mindset requires calling it out. This is not just for society’s benefit but the person being called out as well. Now they’ve been notified they need to do better, here’s their chance.


Yeah but how are they involved with Gilneas on another Continent that not even the same one that Orgrimmar is? They have no business there.

Sure, then why is it ok for some people to talk about reverse racism like its a thing?

I see ppl everywhere hating on white folks and males and they dont get canceled. Hypocrisy is a B.

Anyway back on topic. Gilneas is gonna be great!

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Oh look another one.

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I don’t know, but they can be rather intrusive with the whole “adventure time!” type of deal, so I wouldn’t be surprised lol
But OP was probably just making a generic joke if you’re really focusing on that.

Sounds good to me always wanted a Werewolf Wife :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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Y’know, it’s just not fun when the mask is this easy to dislodge.


This made me physically lmao!

I’ve done this for Void and Blood Elf Druids…I’m still waiting Blizz…lmao

I am a proud member of the LGBT, I do enjoy having my rights that I now thankfully have. Don’t get me wrong.

But I can use critical thinking, to understand that NOT that long ago society was mainly lead by Christianity and it was considering “Clearly Wrong” to be LGBT. To the point that we were isolated, put in camps, and murdered.

What I’m saying the RIGHT thing to do is, is to use critical thinking to understand how it feels to be on either end of the persecution stick. I also use that thinking to understand how people react when “isolated and shamed/canceled”.

We shouldn’t be canceling anyone, we should be having discussions with people, and understanding eachother. So we can all respect eachother, even if for whatever reason we don’t align with whatever the other person is on about.

Heck Uganda just made a law to illegalize gay people and imprison them for up to 10 years at least. That doesn’t mean I think we should cancel Uganda, it means I think we should talk with Uganda and get them to accept and understand gay people, to where they remove that law.

We won’t get them to accept and understand anything, if we just Isolate and Shame them.


I would rather it be a pile of ruins then Blizzard ruining it like there going to do with Arthas’s Story. There going to probably try to bring Arthas back in the most stupid way possible.

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