Please cancel Retake of Gilneas

For real. I wish I actually knew what any of the people complaining actually liked about the current story. Because I genuinely have no idea why they are still playing a game where they seemingly like nothing about the current story and based off their comments it seems like something they care about. So like, why are they still playing then? If I didn’t like anything about a story of a game I don’t even know how I could bring myself to keep playing it, I’d be gone so quick to something else lol.


Disagree. Some people definitely need to be canceled though. Such as bigots.

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Oh man id be so pissed at that lol. I prefer high elf to blood elf, but if those crap excuse for an allied race (void elves) take silvermoon and boot out blood elves i might straight up quit.

That would in my eyes be enough evidence that wow story telling is finished. I mean there is like 200 void elves in total lol.

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If you, as a grown, mature adult, need to shut other people down that have an opinion you dislike then we are doomed, since I see your kind of behavior so often in the younger folks…


Funfact, cancelling bigots only makes them more angry, and more aggressive. We’d be more likely to have hate crimes happen from that.

Also, in the past, say for instance LGBT members who are often attacked by biggots now, used to be considered essentially biggots. With them often trying to cancel the LGBTs.

Like the times change, and it’s very likely that in a decade or so, if we keep up with cancel culture, that we’ll be right back to them trying to cancel LGBT.

So it’s honestly better for society to just get everyone to agree to disagree and be civil to eachother, because we are all humans, and we all deserve to exist and live happy lifes.

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Might be neat to see why Talanji is in azj-kahet. :mag::robot:

…although it’s very possible shadra is going to get beaten up. again. :spider::sweat_drops:

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A lot of people have been playing the game for a while and although disliking certain aspects, will still forcefully stick around in hopes of something changing to their liking. Complaining about something not only is natural, but also very helpful to the developers so they can see what works and what doesn’t. I understand the new GenZ was taught in school " if someone doesn’t agree with you the person should be silenced", so you have very little experience debating something with others, but paying customers pointing out flaws is definitely healthy and needed for businesses to succeed


Of course she is. They lived into a mansion at the top of an hills with closed gate. How to you expect anyone to bite/ scratch her

You’re by far not the first person I see here with this whole BE vs HE stuff, and what I don’t get is that you people forget that they are one and the same? There is effectively no physiological difference, it’s just a name that they themselves changed. If anything a rework to the basic playable model is what should actually be happening.

We have an expansion coming that it is set in the area and named “Midnight”. I don’t want to speculate too far in advance, but I would not be completely shocked if something very bad was coming for the Sunwell.

Its not just that their societies are different. However thats besides the point. We were told there wasn’t enough high elves to be playable. So what do they do?

They create a race with literally. 5% the population that high elves have.

Make that make sense?

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Yeah, like ONE Magister’s students were the Blueberry Elves. Then a lot of High Elves and Blood Elves have been defecting to become Void Elves like Alleria is one. So there definitely isn’t a very large pool imo.

If anything, Silvermoon would become a Netural Hub City for Midnight in it’s new phase. It wouldn’t go strictly to the Alliance.

But I wonder how they’ll write in Void Elves going near the Sunwell, unless Silvermoon is far enough away from Quel’danas that it’s fine?

Like I’m sure the story will make sense somehow with the Void Elves and I’m excited for actual Void Elf Lore. I just don’t know how it’ll go.

No. I want my homeland back.


Mmm… Nah. It’s good to isolate and shame bigots. It’s on them to be better.


Probably the sunwell will actually be tainted by the void making it safe for VE. It is called midnight so i suspect some void f-ery to go on haha.

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You are so very wrong.

On the BASE level, they are like different Kingdoms of Humans ie: Stormwind v Kul’Tiras or Lorderon. IRL it’s like America v England.

VERY different peoples and cultures after they made the political split.

Also wrong, the Blood Elves have ALL been exposed to radiation and mutations causing the Fel Green Eyes. High Elves have not.

The Sunwell being renewed is the only reason that SOME of them have been able to regain their blue eyes or even yellow. But not all of them have gained them back.

The only thing that would merrit this, is if they made Half Elves like Arator and Kalecgoes’ Visage an actual race. Which they haven’t done yet.

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Need I remind you that even as recently as the 90s minorities and gays were still being isolated and shamed, it was in vogue to “cancel” them back then.

But now we can accept that wasn’t the right thing, right?

Like I don’t expect how anyone expects humanity to evolve, if we keep reverting to the playground tactic of isolation and shame when we disagree or don’t understand eachother.


Yeah, as a society, values and stuff like that they are different. But my point is that at least you make it seem (even you don’t I’ve seem other people mean it) that a High Elf would be a completely different race, like a “super elf” or something like that lol. I guess it’s just most people being delusional.

As for the Void Elves I guess the idea is simple. The High Elves are a very little minority that still exists with pretty much zero influx of members since the split. However Void Elves are both Blood and High (don’t forget about that, in fact, they are primarily Blood Elves instead of High Elves) that get influenced by the void, so a possible influx of members do exist even if the core is very little. And that’s also something optional, and that’s the general idea behind a void elf character, you just go there to join the party!

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Can we not fight? :frowning:


I’m a millennial, we’re probably around the same age range. I will never understand people in my generation and above justifying your relentless complaints towards a video game with “kids these days” instead of just finding a new game to play that you actually enjoy. We only have what, like 40-50 years left on this planet, and you think that time is best spent complaining about how you don’t like the story of a video game instead of spending time playing a video game you do enjoy? You do you, friend.