Please cancel Retake of Gilneas

This line of thinking is actually why I’m sometimes glad they havent done any new starcraft content in years. I love the sc franchise but im like 95% sure anything the current blizz would do would ruin so much that i love about it (similar to how i feel about wow currently). Especially since sc2 already got pretty weird in LoV.

But yeah until they learn to write stories that are more engaging and have a little more bite to them, I’d rather not have wow writers try and resolve any of the major story beats (such as retaking Gilneas). I’m not saying there can’t be emotional moments, but I do how Metzen brings back some of the excitement and action to the storytelling. I won’t hold my breath but I’ll be slightly hopeful.

Why I’d guess scarletts are there now in ptr that I read above.

We needed something to fight. Can’t be horde. Scarlett’s up!

Alliance can’t be going oh hell yes, its time to put some corpses back in the ground. For real this time.

Dude I think you killed an allied zombie!

Ain’t war hell?!

It’s so frustrating that Starcraft went from a drama to a freaking prophecy driven romance with space-hitler being promoted to a benevolent god.

Like the story would actually have been so much more interesting had Mengsk just straight up offed kerrigan and Raynor when he could.

As for SC3 they already got a lede for a potential plot, which would be more of a repeat of Broodwars but this time it wouldn’t be just a scouting party from Earth, but an armada.

And a paradox is born!

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