Please, bring fresh servers for WOTLK

i do hope you can have your fresh server, and hope they lock it away from transfers forever lest the bots invade in force.


It’s been like this for 15 years. I don’t see them changing anytime soon. It would be nice. It would be proper. I just don’t see them changing.

Implying that the bots need to transfer to invade.

bots invading is unavoidable but its made much worse with transfers.

also players transferring to a new realm ruins the point of a new realm, tho so would “blizz boosts” and unlocked DK

Oh, I don’t argue that.

They can only afford to do one fresh server for PVE and PVP, any more than that and those servers will fail miserably.

These forums don’t represent the whole playerbase. Aren’t fresh private servers pretty popular?

If it draws in enough people who want to play it, I don’t see why not. :man_shrugging: The “freshness” of the season ladder is the only thing that’s kept Diablo 3 alive for so many years past its expiration date. New seasons in Diablo 3 are Ziploc fresh.

Reroll projects =/= fresh realms. I honestly don’t understand why people are trying to compare them because they’re so very different. Reroll projects are difficult to coordinate and even if they do have success in rallying people, the numbers will pale in comparison to an actual server launch.

One of the really important reasons why “fresh” servers are so sought after is that everyone has to start from square one. No botter gold ruining the economy, no level-capped players in BiS, no bank alt guild banks filled to the gills with crafting mats and consumables. Not to mention, if a fresh server was phased, it would allow people to actually enjoy progressing through early raids again rather than just farming them for badges or more likely just never running them at all. Of course, all of these problems will gradually start to emerge again, but there are at least 2 really big upsides to it:

  1. People got to play through a launch experience again, which is very fun
  2. You now have a another server with a community

Even if a fresh realm was doomed to die slowly and painfully in the end, I would much rather see one launch and offer a good experience for people for half a year than to just let the dead servers collect dust while the biggest servers consume the entire player population like black holes.

I think it would be possible for there to be a small handful of successful fresh realms, but they would certainly have to launch one at a time to maintain stable populations and faction balance.

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Classic Era Realms

All Realms (2706)

Population of Classic Era

Yep people wanted to play vanilla forever

You need look no further than private realms to find proof of that. Hell, Blizzard didn’t even give us Classic because we begged for it for a decade – They literally only ever gave it to us because they saw the absurd popularity of private realms and couldn’t ignore how much money it would make to charge that whole community a sub fee.

This, specifically. SoM was a good enough lesson on having too many servers.

Not exactly. 70 boosts and unlocked DKS mean, what, 100g from the basic package + 100% mount? Wow, broken economy.

No, we’re talking about people hoarding 100k+ gold, mats, professions ready on every character and playable alts.

I’d love some fresh servers to shake things up a bit.

This guy obviously didnt play classic. Same post 1 year later. Wont happen

I was talking about the unavoidable facts if unlocked DK’s were there to get server firsts without contest, among other things like its the low hanging fruit of bots, and if transfer to a fresh server is allowed, it will destroy the economy over night.

No transfers, just boosts and dks. Just a fresh start prepped up for Wrath with no gold stacks and mat stacks

the fresh meme died long ago

Next batch of F R E S H servers should be for Shadowlands Classic.


we have a community already, and the journey is enjoying tbc and moving onto wrath.

Plenty of empty servers for you to start your own commune on.

Game needs LESS servers, not more fresh ones that will die like half the current ones.