Please, bring fresh servers for WOTLK

Yeah, I’m sure there’s tons of people that upon hearing Wrath is coming out, the first thing they want to do is level 1-68 through Vanilla/BC content.

There’s no demand for this. It’s just you and the OP who want this.

Again, word for word, what the Wall of No trolls said about Classic Vanilla. They were dead wrong, just as you are.

It’s interesting how some people are obsessed with gatekeeping others. It’s even worse with the anti-fresh Wall of No posters since we know they’re wrong. History has proven it. But they still repeat the nonsense.


Now, now, there are more than them that want this. It just isn’t a large community… well actually… it is the SoM community. That version was pretty much designed for the people that always want a fresh start.

Put them on ignore.

Why let them live in your head for free?

Best advice you’ve given, Glinda.

By the way, are you Punishment, or just stealing his line?

There was way much support behind Classic Vanilla than there is behind fresh servers for Wrath. You are being disingenuous to say otherwise.

You keep talking about gatekeeping, but I see no gatekeeping. They are only warning you it will fail. They more or less don’t care so long as they aren’t forced to start fresh with you.

History hasn’t proven anything. Though I’m sure Wrath SoM will be a great hit when it happens.

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All my forum toons are named some form of Glinda.

It’s not his phrase, btw. That one’s been floating around for decades.

wait… you have more than one forum toon… I’ve only seen a pink-haired gnome.

Only fresh servers imo. Wipe everything.

Please, bring fresh DEAD servers for WOTLK

OP, if you think blizzard will do any of your points then you’re just a dreamer.

Nothing stopped people from forming those communities, and going on that journey, and making friends, and avoiding the broken economy before TBC. Nothing is stopping them from gaining those things but themselves.

Just have a rotating fresh server that blows up every 3 months no questions answered.

Blizzard, somebody harvested this mining node already in this location. I need a fresh node. With fresh critters and fresh flight points.

I don’t get why people don’t just understand that allowing DKS and boosts on a new server with no ties of gold and mounts could be fun? People would still have to go back, still have to go forward, a lot to explore and flight paths to get, professions to run, gold to be made. I’m not saying it’ll be perfect after 4 months or so, but it will give people the choice.

Also, blizz can cap the faction balance on those fresh servers, so it gets to a good 50/50 for pvp. For pve, no one cares.

Literally changes nothing. Best case for blizzard: people buy the boosts on fresh servers, they sell a lot, ban the bots, they rebuy the boosts and they make a pile of money while we’re happy playing.

Megaservers are compromised and dead servers have characters and stories to tell, they can’t just wipe those.

Pink-haired gnomes.


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How can I be sure? I have never seen more than one in the same place.

they havent done anything to think they would do this

Who cares?

I post for my amusement, not yours.


Wrath will already have plenty of realms since it is consuming 100% of crusade realms.

Crusade is the one that now needs new realms. It will not have ANY once wrath gets here. They need to release a few new ones for crusade, let people transfer to them if they want to stay, and patch everyone else over to wrath.