Please, bring fresh servers for WOTLK

Yes, yes, i know that, after 3~4 months, the economy will have some bots. But, let me present you with a couple of arguments:
1º - Balanced pop for pvp servers
2º - Fresh class distribution
3º - Fun experience without boosts for some who really want to journey (this is meant for alts, not main characters)
4º - Not 400 alts per person for raiding, making a guild essencially a 10 man core forever.
5º - You can unlock the boosts for the level 70 on fresh servers and people would still have to chase the 70~80 grind instead of just making DKs and still be overleveled and gold farming early. That way, it’s a better equal footing.


Not against some Fresh servers if they are in addition, give the people who want fresh, fresh.


I’m all for it.

Not going to happen.


I’d play if there was a fresh option. Just 1 pvp and 1 pve server would suffice.

By the way, this thread is about to be flooded by the new Wall of No trolls who will tell you this is a waste of time, the economy will soon to ruined, the server full of bots, and it’ll be empty in three months. The usual clueless nonsense.

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Eh, trolls.

If they’re not taking away regular servers, who cares if there is a couple fresh.

Like I said: the new Wall of Troll brigade. They show up in every fresh thread.

But of course they don’t matter; only Blizz matters. And they can be the worst trolls of all.

But if things follow the old script, EVERY server will have bots. Grobb is still fine, tho.
Anyhow, it would give us some time to play a real experience before the bots ruin in. No one will play more than 6 months straight up 24/7 anyways. That combined with a couple of bot ban enforcing on fresh servers could pan out great.
Plus, we don’t even need that many fresh servers. 3 per region is fine, 1 for OCE, 1 for BR. 5 Total. And allow free transfers from ghost servers and kill those that have no use. Bingo, you got yourself a good server balance.

I don’t even think it’ll take that long.

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It will if blizz focuses on banning the quick non responsive 70’s instead of the grinding people. That way you cut them out at the source, before they can even flood mats.

we have so many dead realms where faction balance isnt a problem (because dead) and no bots or RMT (cause dead). pick one, any one.

im not against it, but theres no point.


Just choose from the plethora of dead realms that already exist?

For some reason, reroll projects tend to die after two weeks. If not sooner.

I see absolutely no reason why dead realms shouldn’t be repurposed as ‘fresh’ realms. They’re running anyway. Fresh realms would create whole new communities out of thin air and likely siphon off some of the players from disgustingly overpopulated realms.

I can only see net positives with this.

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and a fresh server wouldnt because…?

Because fresh servers are a ton of fun and people tend to stick around for the first year.

I think it’s because there’s a sense of everyone starting together on a new adventure.

I’m no expert, I’m just going off what I’ve observed over the life of Classic.


how is that any different from a reroll project though? and how do you have any observance of fresh servers when there havent been any?

  1. Won’t happen. Players have already decided they don’t want it, and the players who do want it. Are already on balanced pvp realms. They aren’t going to leave their balanced realms to restart on a new realm. That they have no guarantee isn’t going to tip to one side or the other.

  2. There isn’t going to be any change in class distribution. If people did decide to reroll on a new realm they aren’t just going to suddenly change their main, and if they did it would be because they are rolling death knight.

  3. Fair point. May work for a bit.

  4. This… has nothing to do with a new realm. You can make a 10-man forever core on any realm.

  5. what?

Ultimately. We don’t need any fresh servers. We can’t fill the servers we have. If people really wanted a fresh server they can go to any of the dead realms and there is their fresh realm.

I wanted fresh for TBC. Similar reasons. The fresh start, new rush, new people, clean economy slate, etc etc.

Observing the way Blizzard manages and handles server health in balance, I can tell you right now those hopes are long gone.

They can’t even protect and care for the existing servers we have, the ones we have left, that is.

When SoM was new, I was excited to dabble in that, but of course, people screamed at others that their server is dead, that x server is THE server. Come to y server or else!

They all piled on to the servers and left the others to die.

For Classic, they allowed people to pile, transfer, and stack factions until the server died.

The same will happen for Fresh, easily. They don’t care about protecting players from themselves.

And on an experience note, back before original TBC released, they put out some ‘fresh’ servers. Maeiv was one, I rolled on it for some good times. Once TBC hit, IT BECAME A GHOST TOWN. Everyone went back to their mains. Perhaps it was poor timing, or perhaps thats just what people will do, go back to their mains.

Either way: :frowning_face:

bring fresh servers for tbc classic too.

If only people understood these two things are completely unrelated.

It’s more than just wanting to avoid a broken economy. It’s about building a community. It’s about the journey. It’s about making friends. It’s about a million things that others can’t fathom. They just say, “There’s no point.” Or they’ll say reroll on a dead realm, which is absurd. Or they’ll bring up SoM which has no relation to a fresh Wrath option whatsoever.

The fact is there are no negatives. People just love to gatekeep. And Blizz doesn’t care. They just want new players to buy boosts. Which they do…and then quit.

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