Soft language isn’t a part of my vocabulary. If I disagree or find an idea horrible I’ll state that.
What I won’t do (in most cases) is insult someone unprovoked. Many of the people who converse with me across topics don’t deserve an ounce of respect with the way that they address myself and others.
Additionally, tracking down someone’s ingame main character in attempt to shame them off the platform (my Augmentation thread) and dredging up character history is foul.
I don’t engage in these nasty tactics, others do who seek to deplatform those that they find disagreeable. I don’t like these people and I’ll afford them no respect.
Certain social groups who get triggered at literally everything outside of their comfort zone have taken over. Now everything has to be censored and diluted to the least offensive denominator.
And those “social groups” are best illustrated by those who consider it their right to insult everyone who offends them by calling them out on their deliberately offensive behavior.
This is a forum on which you agreed to certain standards of behavior as a condition of your continued usage of it. Now you want to see how many people you can trigger by being deliberately offensive and then blame them.
Those who resort to vulgarity simply lack an adequate command of the English language.
It’s quite the shame that so many find themselves unable to express themselves without insulting and debasing others, slinging mud – among other sloppy earthy-toned matter – as a way to compensate for their lack of comprehension and knowledge to elucidate their position.
Therefore, their only recourse is that of the flyting barbs with the hope of invoking their opponent’s ire… or mayhap it is simply the belief that bellowing from the ramparts louder and longer than any other is all that required to emerge victorious atop the rostrum.
There’s a whole internet out there for you to be a certain way about. It’s almost … nonconsensual … to see you insisting on an environment in a video game that you could create literally anywhere else. Almost like being a pest about. The kind of pest coworkers get warned about.
Because most triple A companies decided around 2011-2012 that mass appeal was the most important thing to building profit.
Mass appeal = offend nobody
Which means everything has to be as close to PG as possible while still having the thin veneer of being the original property.
That’s why Blizzard had the Horde players help carry out a genocide against the Night Elves because they didn’t actually show any blood but can’t leave Garrosh calling Sylvanas a mean word in-game because it might be construed as sexist if you’re an easily offended pissant.