Please Bring Back Adult Maturity


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I’d imagine fully replacing them would be a no-win situation, unfortunately.

Like, even if they could bring in all the original VAs to record new lines (ie, they haven’t retired or died in the last 20 years) there’s a good chance they can’t do the exact voice still, so you’d have some jarring moments where your character’s voice would switch if a new line popped up. And if they redid all the voicework to make sure it all matches, you’d run into the issue where, even if the impression was close, people would notice that their characters no longer sound quite like they used to.


I for one look forward to talking like I’m possessed from one line to another…

I agree with the OP. We should have slutmogs for male dwarves. Like the Borat swimsuit, and more hair.




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This doesn’t jibe with their neolithic world view so they refuse to believe it.


There was no valid reason to delete most of the “mature” stuff, which /spit was never a part of btw, but there was no valid reason either that it was part of a kids game. Legally, morality is a matter of preference, and hiding women a bit too “Afghanistan 2025”.

If you have a partner though, OP, it’s quite sad they aren’t enough to fulfill your more “mature” needs. About toxic ones, to each their own ofc.

It’s only really safer if you live in the realm of AAA games, and some AA games. The indie stuff can still be beyond raunchy and “Adult”.

What you’re asking for is what came from the creepy being creepy, weird!

It’s unbelievable that a post like this hasn’t yet been flagged and has already had more than 25 likes.

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Remember that bootleg Avengers assemble cutscene from Dragonflight with Fyrakk in the Emerald Dream?

Whoever put that together needs a reminder how awful that writing and direction was. Iridikron is also a mustache twirling villain with 0 depth.


this company can never seem to find the middle ground, always one extreme to the other.

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I fail to see the issue.

This game is extremely PG in its narrative direction and character depictions.

This is the same game that had bodies hanging upside down in Karazhan and raids like Naxxaramas.

Now? You see the undead and you just go “oh”. Non-threatening and zero presence.

Maldraxxus should have been the bastion for heinous culture and crime but instead it was some lame ultra militarized zone led by the pseudo jailer (Primus).


What’s wrong with demanding that an elderly lesbian share the details of her sex life with a bunch of horny young guys? I quit a guild after being present in chat over that episode.


Too many fragile people, now’a’days.


Crazy hyperbole.

Situations like that rarely happen and it isn’t my issue to resolve. Take it up with Blizzard.

I want less guard rails.


Too many people who feel they are doing a service to the world by offending as many as possible.

A true story. It’s what happened to a guild when the GM brought in a bunch of good players who were incapable of civil behavior.


OP, I’d like to agree but… I gotta say, your responses to people who disagree with you are often very crude, condescending, and argumentative. Makes it hard to advocate for an idea when you represent your thoughts distastefully on the regular.


I read the title and thought you were goin to go in the opposite direction with this-- As in “people need to grow up.” Would have been on board there.

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