Please Bring Back Adult Maturity

These were the noteworthy comments.

This is when you got salty over an agreement.

If this does not help then I don’t know what to say.

Thanks for taking away from the topic. Great job bro.

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Right? I agree that we should bring back maturity and the ability to take a joke.


You can tell your jokes, but no one is laughing.

What stance are you talking about?

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I always thought it was hilarious reading trade chat guild ads that admitted “mature humor” was a characteristic of the guild. What they meant was constant pranks, sexual slurs, and propositions, a situation no sane woman would buy into.



What’s wrong with those things? Keep it above the belt and it’s fine.

My partner is transgender and we regularly engage in jokes that modern society would deem offensive.

Get a grip. Bring back disrespect (/spit) and sexual themes. Not everything has to be egregiously PG.



Fun fact: not everything has to be made for everybody.


no mature adult says stuff like this. sorry.


Your opinion is unimportant.


I don’t know why but I suspect you are able to provide that all by yourself.


Presumably, you also do other things you wouldn’t do in public with them.

There’s a lesson there, surely.


What is adult or mature in spitting?


I’ll forever miss tauren guy’s telling the joke “Homogenized? No Way i like the Ladies” which they removed as it sounded like a hateful remark towards gays, then there’s the joke female tauren told “I once laughed so hard I milked all over the floor”… no clue why that got yanked but it did… guess tauren being cows means little to them to yank cow jokes. I also miss the tauren female flirt of “I got big soulful eyes, long eye lashes, and a wet tongue. What more can a guy want?” that they yanked despite literally referencing their face… Blizz really slipping with those emote removals lately. I mean come on female worgen can’t even call themselves B**chy anymore despite being female canids of all things that are often times referred to as such.


I miss some of the removed jokes and flirts. I wouldn’t mind their removal as much if they had replaced them with new ones though… because now I just hear the same ones over and over.

On the other hand though… if they had replaced them, the new ones would probably not be as great. So is it good or bad at that point?

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They hold a place in my stomach.


The people complaining about the fruit bowls don’t know why some pictures were replaced with fruit bowls and some weren’t. The pictures that were replaced with fruit bowls were actual pictures of female Blizzard employees. They were not just art. The ones that were just art were left. They were removed for a reason.


And on my table… both the literal fruit and the other one.

Also to OP:
Needing toxicity<---- ------> maturity.
Mature people are just put off by needless drama. It leaves a distinct impression that social toxicity and stirring up trouble is all they got going for them.


Listen, if the man wants to /spit let him spit :man_shrugging: :joy:

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Paris strikes again