Removing anything sucks most of the time. I still wish they had replacements, even though it is a bit too late for that as you said.
It barely feels worth it to use them anymore on some races because I swear some were left with one or two that weren’t removed and it gets real tiring hearing them over and over.
If you are going to link a scene from Constantine, at least understand what it represents, which by the way is no where close to what is going on in WoW.
Because Blizzard doesn’t want it there. I mean, that’s the only answer. You can dislike it, you can hate it, but that’s it.
Although for the /spit emote you can blame troglodytes like Asmongold who encouraged his fanbase (and anyone else who watched his videos) to /spit on people who bought store mounts. He wasn’t the only person who did that mind you, there were others, but he was the one with the largest audience.
Blizzard got fed up with that level of toxicity in their game so they changed the /spit emote so it doesn’t work when you’re targeting anything. Otherwise it still works. You just spit on the ground.
Must really suck for male worgen as they got gutted worse than everyone else losing most of both their flirts and jokes but they were mostly dog jokes if I recall right. I mean classic servers got the pulled jokes but that’s fine…was nice hearing the pulled ones when i leveled a tauren DK for that proto drake mount but it’s just not the same when they’re not around in retail
You can still do it, they just took out the emote. It’s a pretty disgusting habit but carry on doing it if it makes you feel happy.
Mature themes are fine in mature settings. Face it, there are lot of immature people playing WoW. And I can personally do without toxicity in my gameplay.
I’m sure there are heaps of games out there to cater to all of that sort of things. I’m personally happy WoW isn’t one of them because I doubt I’d still be playing it.
You can choose to believe that if you want, but there’s absolutely nothing backing that up. Nothing released by Blizzard, no decline in revenue that can’t be explained by other larger issues.
Regardless, I think/hope we can both agree that no one deserves to be spat on in-game by people because they have money and choose to spend it on what they find appealing.
I do too, I can rarely go back to WoW now because it just makes me sad. Sad that a once great game has been poisoned by political correctness and other stuff of that nature. Atleast we still have SoD…
I routinely find that these types of people turn out to be the softest, most fragile, least masculine people you will ever meet when you see them irl.
It’s just a buncha people with regular regular 9 to 5s with wives and children(sometimes) trying to be edgy on the Internet because their actual lives are boring and routine and they need an outlet to be all the things they are too scared to be irl.
It’s the “progressives”, who have deemed pictures of women need to be fruit, but also they want kids to watch highly sexualized drag shows and force girls to undress with men.
yeah i’m with this guy! I too would enjoy a little adult Night Elf action… maybe like an Only Undead production building built in Org? I’d be cool with that… for starters…