Please Bring Back Adult Maturity

Yeah, but I don’t think it’s any coincidence it’s from the back, directly close up to her barefoot soles.

She’s uniquely barefoot, for a villain.

She could’ve worn shoes, but scantily clad is sexy, and that sells.

I’ve known friends to sell pictures of their feet, it’s certainly a thing.

And Blizzard figured out how to make a bit of extra appeal lol.

I often see news from memes first, and it’s good because they’re usually not biased either.

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Did… you not watch the scene I linked with precisely the same foot shot?

Nah, we can’t have that here.

Something’s a 0.3048 meters.

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I saw a guy standing in front of some explosion of water, some guy lying on the ground bloody, and some glass breaking.

I guess not? I’m not gonna spend 8 minutes watching the whole scene, about to boot up a game.

And Xal’s got multiple different scenes with her feet.

no yeah, someone on Blizzard’s cinematics team definitely has a foot fetish.

other posters can explain it away however makes them feel better about it, but it is what it is.

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Christ you’re serious aren’t you?


stand on your words and say what you mean, if you really mean it.

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Please, don’t use the lord’s name in vain. :pray:t5:

Especially in such a thread as this one, oh dear.


Don’t worry, I didn’t. It was for dramatic effect, so it was useful.


It’s an attempt to be more sensitive to “underrepresented” groups most likely.

Since they know open displays for the underrepresented groups would likely be disliked by a large portion of the playerbase, they instead opt to remove most displays instead for the sake of “fairness”.

At least, that’s my hot take anyways …

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I see you approve of using profanity and otherwise abusive language in public spaces where you previously agreed to treat other people civilly as a condition of continuing to use that space.

I have belonged to forums that considered themselves unmoderated “free speech zones”. They were invariably made unusable by vandalism of internet bullies who had no interest in the supposed topic of the forums. Their only goal was to shut down discussion and make the forums unusable. So it’s good to know how you stand on this. Wanting people who favor civil discussion and respect to be banned makes you worse than a vandal. Or should I say Vandal?

Its a difficult balance and ive seen it tip to far in both directions.

Sadly for most people its a power game.

I agree. This games ment to be another world. And lets face it, some things in the world ain’t ment to be our babysitters. Let the artists and designers have free reign, and install a button to block certain textures. They already do for spiders. They have the tech and the know how.


She’s the void puppeteering a corpse. I don’t think she cares about social norms. It’s also why she LOVES getting in folks personal space if you watch her animation. Personal space does not exist for her.

To add to this, some countries also have hate speech laws. Meaning that if Blizzard wants WoW to be played globally, they have to be more mindful of the content in the game. Otherwise they could get in serious trouble with the countries in question.

Not everywhere. I live in a state where it isn’t legal.

I don’t think /spit or scantily dressed npcs can be considered as “mature” behavior.

To be fair the game does this kind of inapproiate “edgyness” back, everything is just SO bland and “correct”, it’s extremely boring. Bring Lord Garithos back while bringing /spit back tho.

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Still sucks they removed them for some really dumb reasons…I mean most of them we’ve had for years before they got yanked and they can’t be redone or replaced this late into things. I mean of all the dumb crud they did they went and yanked things that weren’t that bad as if they were truly awful they’d of never made it into the game to begin with


Woah there buckaroo. Sounds like you didn’t read your social contract. Blizzard is committed to self flagellating after all their no-no’s and they’re gonna make sure you’re included.


Don’t forget /fart.

though iirc, weren’t /spit and /fart removed because of the mod that basically mass spammed the heck out of them when the bronto first came out?