Please Bring Back Adult Maturity

What? What in the world does you watching real gore have to do with people wanting a somewhat darker perhaps slightly more sexual tone back in WoW?


I didn’t respond to your argument because your own post admits that it found at least some people on reddit that fit into what I said. Nowhere did I say it was unanimous, just that many people did indeed say what I said they did.

Well I brought up originally that the folks demanding this stuff like OP tend to be the biggest crybabies when they finally get what they want.

Just mentioning a pattern I noticed is all.

You can’t argue with these people. Their arguments and viewpoints are dimly lit at best and laced with fallacies.

Rosenivy character thinks that they stand on some sort of moral high ground.


I found at least some saying it should be brought back, too.

That’s yet to happen.

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Yeah, there’s a vast gulf between wanting some darker fantasy aspects in a video game that originally had them and seeing real gore.

Like what is even your logic here?

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Not really. I’m just aware that most edgelords tend to be childlike

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It’s more like if a game takes an opinion on one of those topics they don’t happen to agree with.

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Right, because you have a compass on how most people function.



Doesn’t even have to take an opinion most of the time. Just has to exist remotely close to viewing distance of one.

Wasn’t the pinup removed for a reason entirely unrelated to it actually being a pinup?

I’m aware. I’m just again mentioning that in my experience on this silly rock in space. The demanding edgelords tend to be the ones crying the fastest when they actually encounter both real and fictional edgy.

Its like reality smacks them upside the head. Its funny.

Nope. Just got eyeballs for seein’

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That’s not true in the slightest. Sometimes people have a vision of what they want and the developers fail to capture what they were hoping for.

You can’t pin the failure on the players, it’s on the lack of creativity. If the narrative is strong and characters are written well then we won’t have complaints en masse about the lack of narrative quality.


Then go play a different game.

If you need “dark themes” for that then yes this is a player issue.

So far the new WoW stuff is pretty decent. Just because you don’t like it don’t mean its badly done.

I guess you got me there. Foolishly, I write my posts on a video game forum so they’re easily digested.

How dumb of me.

What did they mean by this


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Yeah! If you have any opinions that differ from exactly what the devs are putting out you should never feel like you can openly state it!

Just be a yes man or go away.


That was not removed for the same reason that the other tuff you mentioned was. Asmongold got on a live stream and told everyone to /spit on anyone seen riding the mount from the TBC Classic Deluxe version. That is why it got removed. That is how Blizzard thinks, if a streamer gets mad, and does bad things, then everyone who caused them to get mad get punished, the streamer never does get punished.

“If you don’t like the modern keanu chungus wholesome writing where every other cutscene devolves into a group therapy session
 go play a different game”