Please break premades

You’re the kind of “people” that likes to generalize an entire group under the same premise.
Stop whining and go somewhere else.

^see, all alliance is exactly the same. And it’s also true to retail alliance, just look at forum, i’m here all the time i know those things.

Well you’re obviously a troll then. No more to see here!

What’s actually detrimental to the health of the game was so many people choosing horde to be more dominant in pvp.


Because anyone who walks through how this problem came about, knows it was because lots of horde players wanted an unfair PvP advantage. They tried to get it by rolling horde.

The cry posts about disparate queue times are just their wanting that unfair advantage without any of the downsides of being the fotm faction.

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It seems like it’s worse than it used to be, though as Alliance it’s hard to know. I don’t want the Horde to be miserable. I don’t really care about the drama. I don’t care why they rolled Horde. I want a content player base and a game that will last long enough for me to get my fix.

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What’s childish is that you’re still here going on and on about blizzard making changes when there’s a solution already in place. It’s called rerolling, whether you like it or not doesn’t matter.

I’m more concerned with the state of bugs in the game, not whether people on one faction are too lazy to reroll or not.

You want the game to be healthy, there’s nothing worse to the health of a game than game breaking stuff involving the center piece of said game.


There’s no way to make those types of players happy, that won’t also make alliance players unhappy.

Alliance pugs lose almost all of their games, because horde racials are busted, and the pvp try hards all went horde.

Give horde fast queues, or remove alliance premades, and even fewer alliance will bother with PvP.

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If you didn’t have premade alliance rolling 7 min games, your queues would be even longer.

Also, reroll alliance or go back to retail


This is the real crux of the matter, succinctly stated by the wise and attractive Tauren above.

Faction transfers for overpopulated Horde servers to Alliance would make Alliance unhappy? If that’s the case then Alliance want to be unhappy.

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It’s be interesting to see if that would work.

I have doubts, but I very well could be wrong

if blizz offered paid faction change, i doubt it would change anything. those complaining would expect others to change their faction while they stayed horde. also getting rid of premades wont change que times.
if you have a premade of 10 alliance queing for WSG and 30 horde queing , 20 horde are going to wait for those 10 alliance to get to them.
horde has more pvpers then alliance so convince more alliance to pvp to match the horde amounts in que or roll an alliance toon for pvp.


Imagine rolling the master pvp faction and then finding out, thanks to so many people also rolling the master pvp faction, it has caused significant queues on their side making premade groups not viable for them,. So now instead of face rolling alliance pugs all day like they had hoped, they get steam rolled by alliance premades.

But wait there’s more! Rather than take action into their own hands and reroll alliance, they are demanding blizzard make significant changes to classic by ending premade groups vs pugs, thus increasing their own queue times, and those of the alliance premades.

But wait there’s more!! This is a 17 year old game where everyone knew ahead of time this was going to be the outcome but rolled horde anyway!!

I just faceroll at the entire thing


Horde pvpers rolled horde for a reason, to take advantage of their OP pvp racials that give them an unfair advantage in pvp. Opening faction change would not convince any of them to give those racials up.

If they really wanted to fix those queues, they should be demanding blizzard remove or significantly nerf their racials so they have no advantage in pvp.

This is exactly true. If premades couldn’t play pugs then premades couldn’t roll pugs in 7 minutes resulting in even longer queues for horde. It would also increase alliance premade queue times.

All and all, a fix that actually breaks the system more

You can stop concern trolling now

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Childish? You mean like whining about the consequences of your choices? Like that you mean?

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You can’t help yourself I guess. I can’t blame you for not actually caring about the health of the game. It is what it is.

This whole thing reminds me of a video I saw of an experiment with children.

They sat a cookie in front of the kids and said “If you don’t eat this for 5 minutes, I will come back and give you two cookies”.

The horde players crying here are the kids who ate their cookie in the first second and are now crying because they don’t get their second cookie.