Please break premades

Literally all pvp games against alliance are either dead or premades please break premading on alliance
Casual alliance players don’t realize how toxic premades are and what the damage does to their games
Horde gets bad queues because of population, and is stuck against premades instead of true random Comps and stops trying
Alliance premades are a problem that need to go away, it’s not horde pvp, casual alliance pvpers, it’s all the fault of alliance premades that honor farms are terrible on horde or the casual alliance experience for pvp is terrible


Please also break the horde everywhere i go sweaty and non sweaty horde.


Wow, subby, that sounds terrible.

I will be thinking about your dilemma as I’m getting instant queues with my pre-made.


Nothing is stopping Horde from doing premades as well.


It baffles me that people are upset about a group teaming up together to do PvP content. On an MMO. Where we play the game together.

Group content is like….the core…


If they’re winning then they’re doing something correctly… Why not get your own premade who’s better then said alliance premade? Can’t just take away something because your not as good or can’t get as good of composition as them


The old argument vs premades was it’s not fair because they’re coordinated and not everyone can afford a good enough connection to do that kind of sophisticated stuff.

There is no new argument beyond plz nerf premades.

Premade with 50 minute queues, right. Half of group will drop out by the time queue pops


Sounds like a personal problem.


I don’t play classic or bc so I can’t say whether or not every PvP match comes out as a premade but how do you combat somebody beating you in PVE or PvP content?

You strategize.

The option is there to make friends and do such a thing.

Sound like alliance love for gloating, that’s the kind of people playing this faction and why horde players just don’t want to reroll


Oh Horde cry about everything. They cried in Classic when Alliance queue sync’d. They cried when their world buffs were dispelled. They’re crying now over their queue times. It’s the faction of toddlers.


It’s a lot easier to form a premade when you know all you have to do is form the group, queue, and then BAM you’re in a game.

Trying to hold 10-15 people through 30 minutes of sitting and waiting is hard. It just doesn’t work that way.


Why is it Blizzard’s problem your team isn’t committed enough to sit through queue?


Advertise and be sure to include that. I know people can be flaky in random groups at times but it’s not rocket science. Those who want to participate will wait.

The others who up and bounced aren’t the people I want on my team anyways.

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You know, I’m all about “Y’all should roll Alliance.” but there seems to be a serious lack of empathy from Alliance players, like they’re actually enjoying the fact that the Horde BG experience sucks right now. I’m good with healthy taunting and tomfoolery, but sometimes it just feels psychopathic. It’s good for everybody if we can find some way for Horde to have a better experience. It will be the problem of everybody that enjoys classic BC if ridiculous PvP balance issues drive away a bunch of the player base.


Sounds like a good reason to start up a guild and make it all about pvp and premades :smiley:

This actually interests me…

I think I might do this.


Burn the Heretic! Kill the Mutant! Purge the Unclean!


Not sure what any of that has to do with my question. Horde can premade. I queued against them all the time in CE. As long as they are willing to sit in queue, they can do the same thing Alliance is doing. If they aren’t willing, that’s no one’s problem except their own.


Your post just had a strong air of “I don’t actually care. Deal with it noobs, QQ.”