Please Blizzard, Don’t Add Vulpera

WHY DO PEOPLE ALWAYS HAVE TO TURN THINGS INTO A HIGH ELF ARGUMENT?! I don’t care about them. To me they’re not something I’d ever play. If others want to, again, don’t care, they can have fun if they’re added

Vulpera? I would. I’m not going to argue against people on behalf of something I’m apathetic about. I showed my support in the mega, that’s it.


Maybe sub race means something different. Allied race could mean that a race is working as a unified organization with us rather than for us.

The working with vs working for could be the difference.

But you ARE a High Elf.

You can take the elf out of the woods but you cant take the High out of the elf.


You know it’s entirely legitimate to not want a race added even if I’m not going to play it. Somebody else said it better than I could.


I would like Vulpera. And I hope they add them.


Just because you don’t like them, it doesn’t mean other players will agree with you. I would love to see vulperas as an allied race. And I bet I am not alone.


I agree… There is a wide range of other races out there that could be added to either faction… races that would actually add flavor and diversity to what is already playable. We have enough comic relief races, and elves…


Cool. I simply disagree if you don’t want additions either. I couldn’t care less about orc lore and we got an entire expansion on it. Am I upset about it? Nope. I’m not selfish.

Not a valid argument whatsoever but you keep trying to pull it. In the end it comes down to you not liking what others want to play or having lore added to it. It’s that simple.


As long as they don’t become an AR for goblins. I am still hoping for a more goblin like allied race whether it be Gilgoblin or something similar to goblins that we haven’t seen.

Everything has value. Even you.


Argue that with people who care. I’m sure it could go on for hours.

Thank you btw

Ahhh there is that High elf snootiness.


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Oh for goodness sakes :stuck_out_tongue:

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Enters thread.

See’s a worgen is requesting this.



Disagreeing with an opinion is fine.

This is where you go overboard. If you disagree with someone not wanting Vulpera or whatever else, cool. If you think their opinion doesn’t matter because it’s something OTHER people like, you lose any credibility you may have had.


I bet vulpera won’t snuffle and snort while afking at the auction house.

Already a step above worgen.

(Waiting for the new Worgen models to come in to decide if I’m race-changing my hunter for the 5th time)


It’s about as valid as people who complain about the number of elves in the Horde and the people that play them. To me, it’s not valid at all.

Why should others cater to what some angry individuals want them to do only as they see fit and stop playing what they like? Should people stop playing Demon Hunter for example because various people hate elves? No. Of course not.

Hence why there is 0 validity to this argument from me. It comes down to: Stop trying to demand what others can and can’t play.

Now, if he’d said: " I want resources put into other races" it would be valid. But whenever someone says “people will be playing them and it bothers me”, no, I don’t care, it’s not valid. He’s saying it in his OP, and you said it in your reasoning too. It simply isn’t an argument I’ll ever take seriously.


Ooh… edgy, OP. Pray that you don’t find yourself in the shade of a Vulpera banner! :fox_face::skull_and_crossbones:


I think horde should get them. It’s going to be hilarious when 47% of the horde are foxes, 46% are elves and 7% everything else.