Please blacklist covid/corona from player names

So your point is you’re surprised people meme something on the internet as soon as it happens? Cool.


Yup, that’s one part of it, other part is that it feels like it’s something a 12 year old would do. But I’m sure you care about that part.

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More realistically it’s something to cheer people up when they have nothing to be cheered up by.


Weird sense of humor but you do you, still stand by what I think.


Thank you, this is the correct attitude.

There are times where people wish they can reach in and change what people think, but imagine what kind of world that would be.


Eh…I am not so sure.
Its too soon for people to poke fun of it so publicly.

It already is everywhere, so seeing it in someone’s name is moot. It isn’t like you are going to forget it exists, then see it in some Wow cartoon characters name and suddenly flip out (if you do, you have problems.)

I remember undead/warlocks whatever, on this board, who had names like Virus, Virii, etc. and this was before Covid-19 was even around; Should their names be changed?

Also, I think way more of us have it than you’d think. If lots of us didn’t have it, retirement and veteran’s homes in Omaha Nebraska would not suddenly be totally full of it; I mean, it happens nearly INSTANTLY. THEN they test the workers there, finding one or more have it without knowing it.

The rest of us, with very minor symptoms, are not able to get access to tests to get tested.


Corona is a word that has been around for a very long time and has meanings that have nothing to do with the virus. That wouldn’t be fair to people who may have used that in their name for years.

You may have a better argument for covid 19 but that would be a judgement call by Blizz. Just report names you think violate ToS or block them if you are offended by them. Context is everything.


No such thing.

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I agree to disagree.

And that’s completely fine but you don’t get to censor whether I do or not.


Perhaps humor is the way they can cope. Perhaps you should try to ignore them. I find it distasteful as well, but in all reality, it doesn’t hurt anyone. If it does, then you need a harsh lesson on social interaction. People are not nice in general.


Humor is how a lot of people deal with serious situations


Better to be at home making light of SARS-CoV-2 than to be at a crowded beach, church or party spreading it.


Yeah, it kind of does. There are somethings you simply don’t say in public. For example, people who made jokes about WTC immediately after it was attacked. You can feel free to joke among your inner circle of friends. Those who understand you. Doing so publicly is just being tasteless and inconsiderate of those who may have gone through the event.

Your freedom of speech does not mean you have the right to disturb the peace of others. Hence, why individuals can be jailed depending on what they state.


Coronachan the Unholy DK did nothing wrong, you monster.


Yea I hardly hold up the states as an example of good laws or decision making.
If a name in a video game triggers you so badly then it’s not the person with the characters name that has the problem.


Every state and every country has a bad law here or there. That does not mean there are no good examples.
For example, getting in someone’s face and yelling at them obscenities is seen as provoking a fight even if you did not throw the first fight.

I would have to disagree with you. You do not know that individual’s history or the things they have gone through, such a statement is callous simply for the sake of justifying their actions.
If someone is offended, asking them “what makes this offensive” generally will make them re-consider a matter instead of saying “deal with it.”.
Empathy is how you make things more acceptable.

I can’t call out members of my own guild, but two of them have words alluding to the crisis in their names. They are leveling under the boost, of course, like me. I’ve seen a handful of more explicit corona/covid names leveling during the boost. The two I mentioned more specifically were guildies and their names are actually kind of funny (for those kinds of names), so I guess I give them a pass.

It is generally distasteful though and I kind of sort of don’t need the fact we’re getting double xp due to an epidemic thrown in my face every other time I do a five man.

Whatev’s though, a whole lot of people will be paying for a name change in 6 months when people are utterly sick (no pun intended) of seeing it. Also I have a feeling those virus puns will be a lot less funny if someone they know falls ill.

On the flip, better they stay home and make silly names on WoW than, you know, go out and get sick.

It’s not too bad near me (two cases total in county, some dumbasses vacationed in florida and brought it back), but I’m honestly shocked it’s here at all. Never did I ever think this thing would blow up like it did.

I’m middle aged and I don’t even know what to compare it to. My first (wildly optimistic) assumption at the very beginning was SARS 2.0, but I’m weeks into not taking this lightly. Holed up, in other words. I still see my family and one or two friends (mainly my girlfriend), but we’re all kind of hiding out together yet apart, more or less. Stay safe out there.

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Walking around with a name tag that says “Coronamaster” on it would 100% be legal and within the realm of freedom of speech, even if you didn’t like it. Westboro Baptist Church was allowed to do what they were doing because they were protected by freedom of speech despite the disruption of others’ peace. You don’t have a right to never see or hear something offensive, at least not in countries that aren’t hell holes, like the US.

I’m not some special snowflake that gets triggered over things, this is just distasteful to allow people to make light of this situation like this.

Why you lyin’? Let people cope the way they want or need to cope and mind your own business. They’re not hurting anybody.