Please ban mages who open portal in BGs

I totally didn’t misread that as “farting couch” :unamused::flushed::sweat_smile:

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I don’t even know what you are talking about. I’m ONLY addressing the OP topic of mage portals.

It doesn’t matter what I’m being, my point still stands. AGAIN, you folks all chose to respond to me and not the folks being jerks. It’s very telling.

The only exception I accept is Firewoman whose points I respect, but don’t agree with.

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It’s telling that I don’t think it’s as big of a deal as you’re making it out to be. I’m responding to you because you seem to be taking it over the top when in all honesty it’s just a funny prank. It’s not griefing.

so you don’t understand the topic, but you’re responding anyway. :laughing:

you’re pretending that the “jerks” are the ones making portals.

i explained that in all of my losing bgs, jerks have been trolling their team by wasting time fighting elites.
this is not beneficial to the team.
if someone chooses to drop a portal on top of these time wasters, why is it a bad thing if they remove themselves because they can’t resist clicking?

(and how does that make the mage the troll?)

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Quote—Seriously, they are running AVs for me, trying to click tables or HS and getting kicked out with a 15 minute debuff is no fun.

Why sick people get a pleasure doing this is beyond me.—end quote

THIS, the original topic is what i was responding to. Nothing was said in this quote about what you are talking about.

So then don’t…click the tables…

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Of course you support griefing

Yeah, let’s say NOTHING to the jerks making portals to ‘prank’ others, just go after the folks who don’t accept said ‘prank’ and tell them how to respond.

You guys can go kick rocks with flip flops on.

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and it really makes no difference.

it’s not hard to see a portal.

it’s easy to not click on a portal.

you’ve responded directly to a post which says AVs are being ruined, and I gave an alternate scenario which shows how AVs are being ruined… but you seem to think the portal clickers are victims.

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Dang am I supposed to go after people who told me that I was going to be removed from a BG and the only way to not get kicked is to type /camp? No. Just learn, laugh and move on from it. You’re being emotional over something so small that’s only likely to happen once unless you’re really “smart” and let it happen again.

I’m not addressing your silly scenario is what you can’t accept. I already told you what I was addressing. You ignore the other folks saying that they do it as pranks and think I care a bit about your scenario. I’m ONLY responding to the original quote and those who think it’s ok to prank others with portals.

Of the people posting in this topic I have to wonder how many times they’ve ported themselves out of a bg.

The forum CoC says you should be civil at all times. Period. Calm down dude before your posting privileges are revoked.


Why are you just clicking on things? Are you special?

Careful there, that sounds awfully like you’re making some kind of humorous statement. That is frowned upon 'round these parts, pardner.

Wait wait…so he isn’t allowed to respond to your posts cause your only referring to the OP not him? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hit box is pretty huge and often times just incidental clicking will port you out.

they are the troll because of putting a portal (a kick out of BG) on top of something beneficial. So I’m the bad guy for innocently wanting healthstones or mage food and the person causing the inconvenience isn’t? How does that make sense? I get it’s a prank but it’s frustrating because if executed well you don’t know what you are clicking, especially with a huge amount of players blocking everything.
With the /AFK thing, that’s fine because there is no reason to do it other than “oh no” and you learn quickly not to do that again. But with portals, you don’t know. I can see it being frustrating for people who have longer que times too.

EDIT: this has only happened to me once out of the many times I have done Korrak’s Revenge. There were many people on top of the lockrocks and portal so I couldn’t see what I was clicking. Perhaps it is easy to see which is which, or maybe it says what the thing is if you hover over it (I don’t remember lol) perhaps mages are fine in this case.

“Remember guys. Me saying something is wrong with you makes you the jerks. Not me. I’m better than that”

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