Please ban mages who open portal in BGs

Reminds me of the time I fallen for the /afk thing. I now just do it back at the people who do it at me. I haven’t with the portals issue…but I haven’t really done bg,etc this expansion.

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you’re making people out to be victims, due to their own inattention.

and my scenario isn’t silly at all.

But you died to exploding pets. Nothing beats killing people with exploding pets.

AH yes this brings me back to Dragon soul,do you remember what it is i speak of? You know back when if you asked blizz for a safe space they would gladly tell you to
stfua and play the game.

I haven’t done many bgs this exp either…just hasn’t been convenient…and the ques are usually long.
Sounds like mages can only use them in AV?

They should really bring back the Bc -> Wotlk scourge event. The funnest event in WoW’s history but people had to cry about it… This is why we can’t have nice things.


If he keeps telling me that my responses are to his ‘scenario’ which I have already said, I’m don’t care about, then yes. His scenario is not something I considered when responding so why is it brought up?

If he wants to respond, agree or disagree, with my actual responses and not his assumptions about my responses being applicable to his scenario then go ahead.

In other words you don’t understand nuance?

But we can’t do that anymore?

Yep. Folks are sensitive and cry like crazy when they get a papercut. Gotta say these kind of players are quite frustrating.

And your supporting folks being jerks by telling others they not only have to fight Horde in BGs, but they should also be aware of griefing and pranks by their own faction and spend time worrying about that and learn lessons.

Again, you can kick rocks

Tzain: Constantly has to think of ways to perform simple task.

Me: Just doesn’t click mage portal.

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I think you need to make yourself aware of what griefing is. Because Griefing is a bannable offense. What’s happening is not griefing.

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How many times have you ported yourself out of the bg?


This would be a threat of physical harm on someone. That is against the CoC.

But the folks who do pranks and inconvenience others are ok in your book?

You guys have issues. You have the right to be jerks but no one should challenge you on it or you’ll label them crybabies. That crap won’t work on me dude…try again


This. :slight_smile: 8910

In what world?

Now you’re reaching…try again

I’ll have to stop you right there. This is a public forums. He has a right to respond to any of your posts regardless if you think he does or doesn’t. As long as he is within the forums rules then you can’t tell him to stop responding,etc. You can stop the notification you get from him if you can’t stand getting notified of him responding to you. But that’s it. Otherwise you’ll just have to deal with it. /shrugs/

I dont always agree with Nobully but he has every right to respond regardless of what one thinks as long as he follows the forum rules.

It’s one time. Or did you fall for the same thing multiple times?

I’m not trying to work anything on you. I gave you my advice on the situation and you decided to visit the barber and get your “Karen” haircut together then try and debate why this is the worst thing going on right now in WoW. You’re calling everyone else crazy but haven’t taken one second to consider whether or not you’re just a sensitive sponge that needs to take a step back and calm down.