Please ban mages who open portal in BGs

Or they can take it as a learning lesson and not take food when they see a portal is on top of it or being casted by a mage? It’s not that big of a deal.

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Quoted from the support page

"Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.

While we encourage you to report players that are behaving in a disrespectful manner, falsely reporting another player with the sole intent of restricting their gameplay is also unacceptable and will result in penalties to your account.

***If you’re unsure if your actions violate this code of conduct, reconsider them. We reserve the right to restrict offending accounts as much as necessary to keep Blizzard games a fun experience for all players.***"

I actually did this prank for the first time yesterday because of people complaining about it on the forums.

Was funny af, 10/10 would do it again.

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How hard is it to just follow the forum rules and NOT call other people names?


Ah, so now I log on to WoW to get ‘learning lessons’ from douchebags and should be grateful?


It’s the internet dude. You think everything’s going to be roses and bubbles?

If it was griefing, they would’ve fixed it by now like they have with other activities.


Especially at the end of a stranger-raid when some bossy elitist yells, “mage Portal nao”

Portal Roulette time!!

Really though, you only fall for these things (“type /afk to clear your Away Message” once. Once.

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Yes, when they tell me I should be fine being inconvenienced and then tell me how to respond to said inconvenience.

Then tab target to switch between targets,etc? :thinking: Isn’t that easy to do instead of accidentally clicking the wrong thing with your mouse.

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‘Yes’ it’s too hard for you to follow the forum rules? Ok…maybe don’t be surprised if posting gets difficult. They give us the privilege of posting here but expect a certain level of behavior from all of us. Here…have a :hugs: and a :chocolate_bar: maybe you’ll feel better.

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I don’t know about a ban, but it is annoying. Happened to me only once but still annoying since ques take a longer time on my server :slight_smile:

Most are defending people who are causing an inconvenience in here, interesting. Falling for the AFK thing IS stupid, those people are hilarious. But when I want lock cookies and I don’t know what I’m clicking since they both have a cogwheel AND can’t see very well because of all the players, there isn’t much I can do. So why defend those people who do that when I can’t exactly help it?
I think they should not allow portals personally. The /AFK thing is fine. It is funny. The portal thing imo is not.


this is preventing griefing, not “fun”

You folks steady trying to play semantics with what’s going on. Which is a subtle way of condoning it. The LOS/range situation with the guards in Neutral cities went on for along time before it was ‘fixed’. So, don’t tell me that nothing can’t happen or that it’s not griefing. Only Blizzard can do that when they decide to respond to this.

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No people are telling you not to be a hothead. Like I said, not a big deal.

I refuse to allow folks to be jerks in the game then tell me I should be civil when addressing them. I don’t know what your stance is on this so it’s not addressed to you.


They need to add a fainting couch to game for most of the playerbase.


this is an interesting train of thought.

the example i gave, is a direct relation to people needlessly wasting time fighting elites… and putting 30+ people at a huge disadvantage.

why do you feel that those people can choose to play how they want, and it’s ok for them to disrupt the playing experience of the majority of their team… but if they remove themselves from the group because they can’t resist clicking on a cog… they’re somehow a victim?

I don’t want to see a discussion get shut down because there are people here who can’t play nice.

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You’re being dramatic.