Please ban mages who open portal in BGs

You are projecting. Someone who is calling out griefers is considered raging and sitting on a high horse?

I’m in a BG enjoying myself and then I suddenly get portalled back to a city and can’t enter for another 15 minutes and I’m somehow wrong in your eyes for being upset?

You clearly are delusional.


i’d never even considered doing the portal thing, but this… this is genius.

i will now drop portals on the elites.
the people who can’t resist breaking the cc over and over and over… can learn their lesson the hard way. :slight_smile:


Yes, if you are using name calling and insults and being angry, you are indeed on the wrong side here.

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make a mage and do it once. youll see why sick people get a pleasure doing this real quick. cause is hilarious ><

The thing here is it’s ok to be upset. I see you use a Classic Avatar which is ironic since it’s the inconveniences in Classic that make you appreciate the game. If you are constantly falling for this it’s a you problem. If 15 minutes in which you can still do other stuff is so heartbreaking that you feel emotional distress you need help.

And the griefers are on the right side, right? You say nothing to them but chose to respond to me.

You clearly are just as delusional as the other clown.


But you don’t get to say that. If you read through the replies you can see how people who have clicked on it took humor from the situation. Not everyone thinks the way you do.

Should be quite an experience in raids like in ICC or Ulduar where you have to enter portals people be like go into the dream to save the dragon in icecrown…/whoosh…SW??? WTF?? :scream:

If they are not insulting people, breaking the forum CoC, and just having fun through pranks, yes.

Moreso than people actually hurling insults.

Oh come on guys learn to laugh. I fell for the /camp trick in BGs when I first started in WoW. And the “invisible wall” trick as well. Gotta learn to just laugh guys.

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Yeah, we should just suck it up, lol and move on right? You don’t get to grief folks and then have the audacity to tell them how they should respond…again delusional


Wait are you claiming that the mage portal thing is a grief? If yes then I don’t think you quite understand the term.


Uh, it’s a prank, yeah. I mean you can prank back too, that’s a thing.

I’m surprised someone hasn’t classified mages using the Old Dalaran portal as ‘grieving’.

It’s not thing for me. I don’t prank strangers in a game. Again, you telling folks how they should play, respond and think nothing is wrong with that.

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Yeah we had someone who would do that all the time and I would be chuckling in Discord saying…

“I hate you Shureshots…I hate you so much right now…”

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It’s just a game dude, chill. Wow.

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Blizz pranks us all the time. The blingtron 6000 has a portal you can take after you put on the party costume. It can put you in quite a few different places one of them being the opposing factions Brawlers Arena. You usually die in that case…lol

Yet another reason why mages are blizzard’s favorite. Broken in rated pvp and broken in regular pvp. Was a developer bribed?

You don’t have a right to inconvenience me then be dismissive about it. “Derp, it’s just a game dude…chill”

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