They “don’t support it” means that they don’t provide support for people having problems with it. If a client update breaks your boxing software, they won’t spend time helping you fix it. Not their problem.
Support is not being used in a moral or philosophical sense by this software business. It’s being used in a software/business sense.
I honestly havent paid attention to that. Im running druid and I dont think its affected by that AOE cap…
funny note, though…I can beat Goroth easily on my druid in retail…I cant even touch his health bar from how fast he just smoked me on the PTR with the same character copied over.
I didn’t read that there was a difference with damage AoE caps. I could be wrong, I’ve not read through everything. Maybe I even misread info on the cap altogether.
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my understanding is that they want to discern between true AOE (like a bomb) and Cleave (like a hand weapon) by limiting the hand weapon sort of attacks to 5-8 targets while leaving true AOE (like mage and druid area effect spells) hitting everything in the affected radius.
honestly, it irritated me at first, but the more I thought about it, the more sense it makes.
The person playing isn’t automating gameplay they are actively and intelligently pressing keys that do different things for different characters they are controlling.
Oh ok, that makes sense. Thank you for that.
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Its logical…but I can see why its upsetting many players. Especially if its causing clearing lowbie trash in old content to take much longer.
They don’t support multiboxing tools. Meaning if something goes wrong, you need to take it up with the creator of the tools, not Blizzard.
There’s only so many ways you can say that multiboxing is authorized.
There was another place I used to hang out on and I had a similar thought process, “Why does everything seem so vague, why isn’t there anything solid about X,Y,Z?”
Someone actually took the time and explained why some places might do things like this.
If the company put things in black and white with everything. People in general love to push the envelope. So with each push, it means the company has to keep updating their TOS / EULA when they patch something.
If they keep things more vague, it covers enough now and into the future where the company can enforce the rules if need be without having to constantly update the TOS / EULA.
I believe people already covered why Acti / Blizz probably doesn’t support the multi-boxing tools. Going to toss a huge ball at you.
Warcraft 3 has a map maker. It comes with the game that you buy / download. Even in the map makers’ disclosure it says, “Acti / Blizz doesn’t support this tool. They can’t help you if you have questions / issues.”
That sort is one reason I had to stop using premade RPGs to run my games with and make my own, lol.
Rules lawyers always finding some obscure sidebar note on page 749 that you havent seen yourself since 1987.
about drives me nuts not just being able to use common sense. And in some of the game systems we used the writtten rules were so absurdly written and out of balance that we’d end up in a yelling match over one player in particular getting upset that things didnt go his way because he sorely underestimated another players ability to stretch the intent of the written word, lol
I finally had to make my own systems that were very vaguely written with the final word of every question not covered by the rules being left to whomever is GMing at that particular point.
If players dont think hes being fair…they can always quit or stop playing when he invites them and he’ll learn the hard way to be fair…but it keeps the rules lawyer sorts from haggling for three blasted hours over a rule that makes no sense in the context theyre trying to abuse it in.
Too many rules, like too many laws, lead to more confusion than they sort out.
“I’m not asking to ban multiboxers. I’m just asking blizzard to ban people who happen to be pressing one button across multiple wow clients”
if only there was a word for that
So I guess it’s a-OK as long as I buy multiple keyboards and mice
This is secretly a pro multibox thread confirmed.
This thread is full of ignorance.
Yes, we get that you want to ban people for pressing one key and interacting with multiple WoW clients. The situation is this… that’s actually ok according to Blizzard.
What’s not ok is setting up a key click automator. Say, I want to bounce a boomkin around in a circle spamming moonfire and I code it up using a keyboard macro tool that does this for me when I press a single button.
Let me give you one more perspective… let’s say I have a keyboard that takes one keypress… and it sends it on 3 cables that are plugged into 3 computers. Each computer gets one keypress. Each WoW gets one keypress.
I get that you want to ban this. This has always been allowed though. I disagree with banning it. Let’s move on, ok?
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I was just thinking about something else, not sure why it came to mind but hear me out.
Someone not overly long ago made mention that the creator? of ISBoxer said that the program was designed for botting. I can’t confirm or deny this wasn’t said, but that’s not where I’m going with this.
Let’s assume the person is right and that was what was said. Let’s also assume that ISBoxer was specifically designed for botting in mind.
Here is my question to all of that.
People have found a way to take a botting program and make it work within the realm of the TOS / EULA. What’s the issue?
If you go with the obvious logic of, “The temptation to bot is there” or “It allows people to bot.”
Just because something has the potential to do something does not mean that the thing in question needs to be punished for the misuse of it. If you go with that logic.
Get rid of your car NOW! Do you know how many people are injured by people not driving smart?
Get rid of your computer NOW! Do you know how many companies have their security compromised due hacking?
Get rid of your phone NOW! Do you know how many scam artists prey upon the elderly / ignorant by phone scams?
I can go on and on with blaming the tool instead of blaming the actions of the person using said tool.
There is no grey area, multiboxers aren’t botting.
Might aswell be botting, ban the multiboxers
There isn’t a might as well. It’s either someone is breaking the rules or they are not.
How is this not bannable?
Because the rule makes have stated it isn’t? And no one yet has been able to provide a convincing enough argument to get them to change their stance.
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