Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

I didn’t even know it had gotten that bad, lmao wow you just proved my point even more.

by “proved your point even more” you mean, revealed you to have absolutely no idea what ur talking about sure

yep that checks, you don’t know the prices of gdkps from 1 month ago but u know the prices of cataclysm 4.0.3 maelstrom crystals from 13 years ago after 1 week of raids


Lmao you just said millions are being thrown around in GDKP but “sOmE hoW” the market has no effect and isn’t inflated. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: the delusion is hilarious I love this thread.

yep, there’s almost no inflation, nothing on the ah is really inflated, most of it is very reasonably priced, that’s why u had to latch onto the most expensive enchant with the biggest supply and demand issue, even on that you are getting bodied

you could literally mine or herb for an hour or two and buy some of the boes


You ever notice it’s always the anti-GDKP people that turn aggressive the fastest?

Yes, gold has inflated quite a bit from OG Cata. The important thing is that this is not because of GDKPs to any significant degree. The reason for inflation is because we have 14+ years of knowledge to work with over OG. People already know the fastest and most efficient ways of not only making gold, but also saving it. People are smarter (relatively) than they were years ago. There’s the saying “people have optimized the fun out of the game”. Think to the War Effort in Vanilla. Patch 1.9 launched on January 3, 2006. The first server to finish wasn’t until the 23rd. Vs Classic, where the war effort began and was completed by the fastest server was done in 12 hours, because they knew the materials needed, where to farm them, how much to farm for…The same logic applies to gold. People know the game better than they did 14 years ago, and anything they don’t know they can look up on wowhead easily


Oh I should also say that 20-50k being bid on items has been a fairly common occurrence on high quality items in gdkp since probably early TBC, dst in t4, vash belt, glaives, zhardoom, pretty much half the items in sunwell.

This means our friend “john” who “didn’t know it had gotten that bad” probably has never been in a gdkp in more than a whole expansion at least, but he has all the answers

This guy is a pure larper, its unlikely he even plays the game, even if you don’t go to gdkps you would hear through the grapevine of excessively expensive items and not the “20-50k” kind

Ofc he will take being completely discredited as “making his point for him”

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That was my point, he literally latched o to the most expensive supply limited item in the game atm.

As if that’s proof.


Market is inflated because you are required to buy 6 travelers tundra mammoths and disenchant them.

Epic gear does not drop reliably yet. But it will.

they abandoned thread didn’t they :rofl:

the “there’s no items under 30k” guy was my favorite, no idea why you’d tell a lie like that when someone can disprove it in less than 1 minute

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Exactly lol… they’re so bad at defending their own loot system it’s comical.

The gaps in both of your psyche that you need to leap across to try and call people gold buyers prove your insanity.

You don’t need to buy gold. And you don’t need to farm, outside of one time. GDKPS are self sustaining as long as you don’t spend more than what you get in return from them.

I farmed up 5k gold in TBC and haven’t had to farm since. Just do many gdkps, spend what I can there, save the rest.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: Case and point. He only had to buy gold one time!

Nice job changing what I said. I can do it too.

Dirty gold buyer.

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You literally edited your post. Wow. Freaking sad and hilarious at the same time. I am dead.


I didn’t edit anything, please call someone you are losing it. What a head case. You can tell if someone edits their post.

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You are a sad messed up person.

You edited your post after I quoted it. Please get help.

First edit doesn’t show up like this. :slight_smile:

Lets pretend that was true.

Clearly with tokens in the game, both of these are a viable way to get gold now. So at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter.


Sad. I reported your post admitting to buying gold. Blizzard can see the edits. Hopefully you get banned.


I never admitted to buying gold.

Even if I did, it’s legal and allowed.

We both know you weren’t talking about tokens.