Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

There is no reason to have this anymore. You have a working setup in SoD. It has done wonders for that community. Having no GDKP’s bring the community back together in a healthy way.

Wondering why those stacks of Rugged leather are going for 250g? GDKP.
Wondering why you’re having such a hard time finding guilds to raid with? GDKP.
Can’t find a healer or tank? Selling queues.

Just remove all of this. It has ruined classic for a long time. The GDKP ban needs to be across all versions of classic because it is the common denominator for a lot of the problems.


Lets keep the support flowing on this so Blizzard listens. GDKPs need to GO!
Great post from below:


Agreed im sick and tired of seeing gdkp crammed down everyones throat ingame. SoD GDKP ban was a massive success so hopefully they move the ban over here as well.

They can keep it in classic era. That way all the gdkp clowns can go play the version of the game they completely destroyed already.


Silly average player. Blizzard doesn’t cater to you. Only to the fleets of bot accounts paying for membership and the small group of people who make forum posts with their credit cards.


People enjoy gdkps, a great reason to have it. Good for alts and for raids that do well.

Clearly making everyone quit the game is “healthy” SoD is dying and it’s because there are not gdkps.


Also Fixed.


Naw. GDKP is a large reason why classic thrives.

Removing GDKPS in SOD was a failure, that is WHY they did not bring it to Cata.


So we’re just blaming everything on GDKPS now?


No it’s going for 250g a stack because people are leveling their professions, because we’re at the start of a “new” expansion.

Found a guild to raid with no problem.

I’ve yet to see someone selling queues in RDF, I have however seen it happen with LFG.


supply and demand

there are far more guilds than gdkps, there are 27 guilds that have cleared heroic and not a single one of those is a gdkp that i can see

so someone selling a service? i see that you didn’t type “gdkp” at the end of this, even you seem to know someone selling queues is not gdkp, curious why you’d add it to this thread

oh yeah massive, that’s why u are here complaining about gdkp on the cata forums and not playing sod


Banning GDKPs killed SoD and made RMT worse


Uh, the reasons to have it are the same as they ever were. It’s simply a superior loot system for pugging.

Gold pours like rain in this expansion. Cry about it.

This has nothing to do with GDKP and isn’t a serious problem in any case.

If you want the “massive success” of no GDKP, how about you go back to SoD and stay there?


Ban ban ban, GIVE US TBC ERA TBC TBC TBC ERA NOW!!! WE DEMAND TBC Classic (The Burning Crusade Classic Era) ERA


Agree. Long overdue. It was never in the spirit of Classic and has infected every portion of the game. It draws in the bots. It draws in the gold sellers. It draws in the toxic RMT players. It draws in the toxic RMT carries.

Anyone that’s ever been to a server’s GDKP Discord cannot truthfully say GDKPs are not the main driver for RMT and botting in game. Especially now with an accelerated expansion and limited loot drops there will be even more pressure on gold buyers to purchase more gold to secure BiS.

Color me surprised to see the same handful of people defending RMT GDKPs in the forums for EVERY SINGLE post critical of GDKPs. It’s almost like they take part in RMT themselves or are just sad people irl who love spreading misery. Probably a mixture of both.


Fixed. :clown_face:


Pretty sure it’s too late the damage is already done from wrath GDKPs. The economy is irrevocably ruined now.


You want to call others “pathetic” but here you are asking for Blizzard to ban GDKP.

Pretend whatever you like, but you are the one that’s actually pathetic, and your pathetic behavior only serves to embarrass yourself on top of it. You can continue to laugh at yourself all you like though, for whatever it’s worth.

I’ll admit to buying gold that wasn’t with the token; as it wasn’t put in yet. That pathetic clown can go ahead and report me. It was years ago and Blizzard didn’t care back then so I kind of doubt they’ll care now. I also expire in a few days and don’t plan to renew, so have at it!

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It’s crazy how anti gdkp players have no idea how supply and demand work.


Lol. Lmao, even


The denial is crazy man.

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No thanks. I’d rather it stayed. I quit sod with that change and would rather like to keep playing cata.

I don’t have plans to run in a gdkp yet this expansion, but if I can’t make a raid with my guild I want the option.


Why I love playing SoD, the GDKP plague has not infested its economy and turned it into Las Vegas.


Have you not seen the sod economy lmfao??

Gdkps don’t do anything to the economy btw.