Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

  1. I was never speaking about my own experience. I do not purchase gold, I make enough through many gdkps that the thought never crossed my mine.

  2. I literally told you how I got my start, but you are just illiterate or ignorant and ignoring the facts.

  1. When speaking about gold buying, suggesting that people do it any capacity, my words are referring to the wow token. (I do benefit from people buying wow tokens for cash, because I buy them with gold for game time.)
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Everyone apparently is a gold buyer except the people who play sod?

How are they buying 6k+ worth of AH BOE bis items?


looks at clock

really, its act like a lunatic and claim anyone who disagrees with you is secretly a goldbuyer o clock already?

time sure is flying today

You do know that Landslide uses 5 Maelstrom Crystals right and that the only way to get them is by disenchanting epic BoE’s and now that raids are available the price will plummet… I don’t know if this is ignorance or just stupidity.

It is… because it’s an extremely scarce resource and Landslide needs FIVE, that’s fire epics disenchanted. How are you not understanding this.

You get the gold for GDKP’s from GDKP’s, not that hard.

I’ve made 50k in 4 days, GDKP’s are fine and the reason why people are so vehemently against GDKP’s are the people that likely don’t understand it. They see the gold, link it to RMT because they can’t see themselves with such gold. Gold isn’t hard to make, especially so during the first few weeks of launch.

GDKP does none of that.

Of course it’s player caused inflation, it’s a player driven market…

I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re again citing an enchant that uses the epic shards (Abyss Crystals), talk about one that doesn’t require you to DE epics which in this case would be 5-10.

Yes… Because it uses Maelstrom Crystals…

Saying that everyone that can do that is a gold buyer, just tell us you don’t know how to make gold mate.

Simple supply and demand

You don’t know how inflation works do you, more gold doesn’t mean that it’s inflation, the items are getting cheaper and the only reason why prices are so high at the moment is because people are switching professions, getting the first lockout rush out of the way which means enchants, gems, potions etc. are going to be expensive. This will likely last for several weeks to a couple months until the market settles.

If you think that this isn’t true then all I can say is that you don’t pay attention to the market. This happened in Vanilla, TBC, WotLK and it’s happening now in Cataclysm.

That’s not how that works.

Everyone who can make gold is a gold buyer, everyone who doesn’t know how to make gold is a victim of inflation.

That was fun going through this entire thread.


Quoting entire threads doesn’t make you look smart gold buyer, if anything it just shows your ignorance because you overlook many of the post that answer your ignorant responses.

No, more gold in the market does not equal inflation, but millions of gold being tossed around from RMT transactions does and anyone who says otherwise is literally putting both of their hands on their ears and yelling because they don’t want to be told that their GDKP runs are destroying the economy because of how much gold they make in the pot.

The market is inflated in wotlk-cata, trying to give reasons as to why ONE enchant cost 50k “well actualllyyy it cost that much because resources are rare at the moment herp derp” does not prove your argument. Everyone knows resources are rare and prices are high, does that mean that they should be higher than they’ve ever been on retail and cause mass numbers of complaints to the forums because of ridiculous prices? Even now after the first week of raid release landslide/power torrent is still 28-30k which is insane.

The market is inflated and GDKP has turned it into a plague, I have stated this, thousands of players have stated this and EVEN blizzard has agreed which is why it is banned on SoD. Your denial post are nothing but pathetic and delusion.

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Smart? Where was I trying to look smart? I looked through the thread and replied to what I wanted to… Nothing more, nothing less.

Also, I don’t buy gold. I know you like to lable people as such but you should really stop that everyone who disagrees with you is a gold buyer mentality.

No it doesn’t, the only way that can happen is if someone buys out the entire auction house and relists everything at a higher price, most items are the same price as it was in TBC with trade goods spiking at the start and end of every expansion. Everything else is the same.

Yes it does, it’s simple supply and demand.

Supply is low but the demand is high which means the item in question costs more.


YES, everyone knows this no one is disputing this claim, does that however mean that prices should be over inflated to ridiculous prices? No. Using your logic if landslide was 300k that would be perfectly okay due to low supply and not due to inflation.

Like I said before the denial is hilarious, blizzard has agreed the economy of wotlk,cata-classic is a trashcan which is why it was banned on SoD. You want to do your GDKPs and switch around RMT gold that’s fine you do you, but to try and act like everything is perfectly fine in cata’s economy is LMAO.

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There’s nothing to inflate the market of Maelstrom Crystals, the market of them started 2 weeks ago.

I don’t GDKP

It is fine, prices will go down to think they won’t is LMAO.

Just say you don’t know how to make gold, it’s okay if you don’t.


Right prices will go down and stabilize just like they oh so perfectly did in wotlk classic right? Lmao you’re delusion gold buyer, If prices went down what caused the mass amount of complaints and proceeded to inspire blizzard to ban it from SoD? :thinking: :thinking:

Actually the stated reason GDKPs were banned in SoD was “they erode traditional guild structures” or something to that effect. Any mention of server economy, and more specifically, RMT and botting, was only ever added as a secondary reason later, and not even mentioned at all in the initial announcement


Prices did go down in WotLK, to say they didn’t is just straight up lying

I don’t buy gold, just because you don’t know how to make gold doesn’t mean that those that do know buy gold.

Are we even talking about the same thing, I’m talking about the AH, I couldn’t care less about how much items are going for in GDKP’s.


Okay? rather it being mentioned first response or later is irrelevant the point is it was still stated by blizzard as toxic and was a cespool for RMT buyers.

What are you even talking about, ofcourse this referring to the AH and its over inflated economy. And no the wotlk economy did not stabilize in Wotlk prices were still over inflated which led to the mass amounts of complaints and for blizzard responses against GDKP. Just because prices reduce does not mean that they are not still inflated.

You claim it was the reason when it was barely even an afterthought. Nevermind that the GDKP ban had no actual impact on SoD’s economy regardless

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So you consider 3-5g for a Potion of Speed to be over inflated? Alright… If that’s what you consider to be over inflated I guess Vanilla was over inflated too with its 150g flasks for a majority of the game. Plaguebloom being 200g a stack etc. It’s all supply and demand.

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Lmao they have stated later it was one of the reasons, are you this in denial really? Like honestly this is a comedy show :rofl: :rofl:. The SoD economy is better than wotlk-classic could ever be which is why people aren’t crying on forums due to an inflated economy. The only complaints are from GDKP stans who somehow think it was not bad for the market and want it back so they can stack their RMT gold.

Lol sure gold buyer pick the lowest thing you can find and say “Well actuallyy its not inflated” This thread has been hilarious but im getting some sleep now it’s 2 in the morning, I’ll talk to you delusionalist tomorrow.

Well you should get off the stage then, you aren’t very funny


Potions of Speed were used by nearly every class during WotLK, and yes, 3-5g was it’s price during WotLK. It wasn’t inflated because there was both a huge supply of it and a huge demand for it, the supply met the demand, the price rarely spiked and remained ~4g for a majority of the expansion with it only ever spiking when a new phase started before it stabalized again and went back to ~4g.

The same can be said for everything else, gems, enchants, flasks… You really don’t understand how the auction house and markets work.

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8g flasks were inflated?

3-4g potion of speeds are inflated?

You could do 1 gdkp and make 20k+ gold and that would of been able to buy you raid consumes the full length of Wotlk classic.

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