Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

lol. k.

You said you couldn’t imagine being so bad the only way to gear up is to buy gold, this is made up.

You also said that you KNEW that I was bad because I depended on gdkps to progress in raids, this was made up.

You also don’t believe there is a community in gdkps and that we are all just swipers, that is also made up.

You make up a lot of stuff to fit your bias


“i know your game”

you know that he is going to look at your logs and come to the conclusion you suck? that is unfortunate


You mostly are though. :deaf_man:
You are likely heavily involved in RMT whether you know it not.

And not knowing is what makes GDKPs bad for the game.
If you do not agree I do not care, carry on. You could be less insulting, but that’s how you get your bites.


So true, quoting this for the main post.

Can we stop having this conversation? Its not happening, if you want no gdkp go play SOD.


Same with auction house.

Let’s get that banned.


Where you’ll still experince just as much RMT and botting since it turns out that it was a lie that GDKP causes those.


Exactly, instead of sod thriving they killed off a huge portion of their playerbase because most of us want to gdkp. I didn’t care that much but I would have enjoyed sod a lot more if I was actually able to afford my consumes as i’m awful at farming gold outside of gdkps.


If you’re awful at farming, how do you get the money for GDKPS? You basically just outed yourself as a gold buyer, which kudos to you being the only one to admit it.

The reasons why people are so vehemently against banning GDKPs is because they can’t make money the intended way or any way other than just out right buying it. Then from there, they can keep making their gold by running more groups and getting a share of the gold.

GDKPs add more bots and more inflation. I play on Wild Growth in SoD, and it has a healthy population still (on horde) and I rarely see anybody complaining about bots and the AH prices are in line. I step into Cata for 1 day, and I’m already seeing someone trying to sell an epic wand for 130k while the Darkmoon decks and Vial of the Sands are going for half the price if not less.

That’s player caused inflation, not Blizz.


well that’s obviously proof of inflation

i just posted a copper bar on the sod auction house for 200k gold, isn’t that crazy? player caused inflation

I have friends in the community and I went to their raids and wasn’t able to buy items for quite a long time and there are still very frequent times that i’m not able to compete with people on an item or not willing to just drop all my gold willy nilly.

You don’t need gold to get invited to a gdkp if you have friends and especially if you are a good player which I am happy to say I am.

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I said “trying to sell”.

But, you aren’t seeing anything less than 30k in trade chat where as in back in OG Cata, prices were never THAT high. I grew up on a medium pop server and most 359s at the start of Cata back then were around 20k or less. Only Vial was super expensive.

Nice try and on the gaslightin though.


guys ur not seeing anything less than 30k trust me, i can remember the prices of items on the auction house from 15 years ago and they were all cheaper

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They will just makeup whatever they want.

Other dude used day 3 maelstrom crystal prices as “inflation”


Is there a single anti-GDKP poster who can make any sort of argument without just devolving into “hurr swiper” when confronted with logic about why people like GDKPs?

GDKP doesn’t magically kill bosses for you. The runs are just better than other pugs. For reasons that have been explained many times.

How familiar are you with GDKPs? Be honest.


Lmao what?? You’re so in denial it’s sad gold buyer, berserking enchant by ITSELF costed 4-6k and that wasn’t even the first week because I was a deathknight who had forged (thank God) that was months after when I decided to alt pally. That’s not including the other enchants and GEMS. Are you honestly trying to say it’s cheaper to get a toon ready for raiding in wotlk classic which cost 5-6k minimum compared to SoD which only cost 150-200g? Please tell me you have a better argument.

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Enchants that use a material that can only be obtained from disenchanting epics, when the only sources of epics are super rare world drops or darkmoon cards, are really expensive, guys. It’s totally because of GDKP.


I compared raid consume prices, and yes it is was far cheaper to raid in wotlk classic than it was in SOD.

On a server with gdkp payouts regularly hitting 20k+ for over 6 years.

Why were flasks 6-10g and not 1,000g??

Why were potion of speeds 4g and not 50g/ea???

Where is this inflation???

A week’s worth of raids in wotlk classic shouldn’t cost me 150g, it should cost me 2,000g+++ right??

Where is the inflation???


That’s not his argument gold buyer, he’s trying to say the wotlk-cata market isnt inflated and that SoD is just as bad which is lmaooo.