Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

Sure gold buyer, sure.

And yeah I see the SoD economy daily where prices are exactly where they should be unlike cata, 50k for a landslide enchant lmaoooo.


It’s week 1 of raid and the only way to get a maelstrom crystal prior to raid was to make a valuable bop crafted epic and DE it.

You have 0 idea how supply and demand work.


Yep, if it’s good for SoD it’s good they must know it’s good for all versions. No need for oscillating design across the different versions. GDKP is terrible for the game, and it’s players.


Lol it’s both hilarious and pathetic how in denial you are of the inflated wotlk-cata economy gold buyer. Like I get it, you love your precious GDKPs, but to act like a 50k weapon enchant is “normal” because its week 1 of a raid is denial. The enchants on RETAIL weren’t even that high on week 1 of Aberrus, that shows you how destroyed the wotlk-cata economy is. :rofl: :rofl:


It was literally cheaper to raid in wotlk classic than it was in SOD p3.

A version of the game that has regular 20k+ gold payouts for 6+ years was cheaper than SOD.

You couldn’t be more in denial.

In week 1 of cata there was like 3 maelstrom crystals on the AH.

I can’t wait to bookmark this and then in 3-4 weeks Cata will be cheaper to raid than SOD.


Maelstrom Crystal Regional 7 day Average: 3789g
Enchant Weapon Landslide - Maelstrom Crystal (5)

3789x 5 = 50,000

lets just make stuff up, that’ll show em


LOL what?? It cost me 150-250g at most to raid Gnome while ONE enchant on wotlk-cata cost 30-50k, what are you even trying to say? The economy in cata is so destroyed you literally HAVE to run GDKPs to keep up with the inflation. It’s a destroyed pit run by bots and GDKPers who have no care and just see gold.

Like I said I could care less gold buyer, you have your cata I have my SoD where you GDKP scum are no longer anything to care about.


They are just a little rat who buys gold. Anything you say they will not agree with.

No just you and you are. I thought it was absolutely hilarious you made an attention post and expected kind goodbyes from everyone and they just want you gone lmao. Probably the same irl. I hope it hurt your feelings.


I said wotlk, not cata.

Wotlk was like 140g/raid

You even proved my point that it was cheaper to raid than SOD, thanks.

You are being disingenuous by using the enchants that use a maelstrom as your “gotcha” moment, why not use the non maelstrom crystal enchants?

+15 stats to chest is 50g, why isn’t it 5,000g in this gdkp economy??

You don’t understand how supply and demand work which is why you think gdkps are the reason for maelstrom crystals not existing, which is a very odd argument.


I just can’t imagine being so bad the only way for you to gear up is buy gold to bid on items. Especially in classic. Lol.

These bosses are so easy. Make some friends and down the boss the normal way.
Agreed ban GDKP.


I’m sure if you posted on your main we would see how “bad” you were.


This is exactly how gdkp works. It’s just a loot system, you still have to make friends and down the boss before you can use the gdkp system.


I don’t have to prove anything to you shorty. I know your game. Very well aware of how you operate.

I also know that you are bad because you depend of GDKP to progress in classic. That’s sad. And it’s hilarious you admit to it so openly.

Lol. Sure ya do. If you call joining a discord and applying to raid with your budget “making friends”


I’ve made plenty of friends doing gdkps.

Farming out a bit of gold or buying a few tokens is just a pre-requisite to get into the raid, similar to farming your gear. If you want to use the gdkp loot system you need to have gold, just how it is.

If you don’t like it you can feel free to abstain. That’s all.


I have raided in a guild all of classic.

I do gdkps on alts.

If you know me so well you don’t seem to know me at all.


A majority of players in gdkps are just people who belong to a guild already, playing alts.


Very few people do this when you can buy 10k gold for $5. I know you’re just going to go round and round in arguement. I can’t change your opinion and you cannot change mine. The game would be better without GDKP.

I know your trolling presense on the forums. I don’t care to know you outside of that.

Just keep making up stuff and staying in denial. lol


Fixed. :grinning:

Irony… lol


What have I made up?

I don’t think you made up anything. You are in denial though.

This is 100% true, from experience raiding 5-6 different gdkp raids per week on Whitemane. GDKPS are just a mismatch of people already in guilds playing their alts.