Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

I have mixed feelings on GDKPs. I understand them, but they’ve destroyed a huge sense of community in WoW.

Its nice knowing that people wont flake out of a group because they’re paying to be in it. But its become the main way to clear content for so many players that its next to impossible to even form a steady 10m raid group.

My guild was for me and two real life buddies, but has been filled up with cool people we’ve met on WoW. At the start of Cata, one of my buddies decided he didnt want to wait for our guild to raid and bought his way into groups to get gear, and now my guild has pretty much given up on raiding, even though he says he will join us after hes geared. Well whats the point in that? I dont even care about end game content anymore because why bother?

I guess ill stick to PvP and leveling alts until my other buddy gets bored with this game. The game would do just fine without GDKPs. I think a lot of it goes back to the WoW token though.

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It’s frustrating in pvp too. I remember wow streamers like cdew doing like 5 or 6 weeks of 25m naxx for the 2h. Because At a point it can make or break games. Of course if you side step the time gating with RMT and gdkp you have that much more time to get ahead in that seasons arena and get geared faster

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:man_facepalming: do u ever get the feeling perhaps he wasn’t that cool

there are 159 guilds on the benediction server alone which are 1/13 or greater in heroic 10 man, i wonder how they got around those next to impossible barriers in such great numbers

No it’s someone who got carried to gear which happens outside of GDKP’s as well.

And also still not winning.

Having lots of gold doesn’t increase the drop rates of items or make the bosses easier.

It’s also proof that GDKP’s were not the reason for RMT since both botting and RMT are alive and well in SoD.

But significantly reduced

Banning gdkp in SOD was the main reason for the rapid decline of players. If they banned it in Cata, it would destroy the playerbase.

Here is a cool idea for you though. If you dont like gdkp…DONT JOIN THEM. Quit being a karen and cying about what other players do.

I like the changes coming in phase 4, they have me interested but not enough to actually play. If they let us gdkp I will absolutely play SOD.

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You and the other 3 players still playing sod. Lol

GDKPs are good because they actually incentivize people to actually play the game well. With the general ability/skill of the average classic wow player, I’m not going to risk my weekly lockout on some random pug with zero coordination. In a GDKP - if nothing for me drops, at least I leave with some gold.

There are bad actors in GDKP yes but there are in ms>os/SR pugs as well. Anecdotal af but in the whole time I’ve played WoW; the only times where anything has ever been ninjad was in ms > os runs.

Saying that GDKPs are bad for the community as a whole is incorrect. Banning GDKPs does not end or stop RMT. People will find a way regardless. If anything, it’s easier to police compared to people paying real money for a full funneled raid in game etc.

Grow up. You have no idea what you are talking about. The next time you want to ramble, have a point. Not just go on and on with your faulty opinions.

What a goofy, unhinged post, also 8 edits LMAO

GDKPs are mostly a pug system btw… guilds are still raiding just fine.


We’ll have to start at the basics here. Auctions/Bidding is not gambling.


This is the other way around. The WoW token is that low because too many people are purchasing it with real money and not from 3rd party sites.

So you should need to make alts just to farm mats to raid on your main? Anyway, the point was banning gdkps did nothing for inflation which people claimed it did.

You claim to understand them yet think that they’ve destroyed a huge sense of community in WoW? Most people who GDKP do so on alts with their mains raiding with a guild, I know that nearly half of my old guild did GDKP’s all throughout Vanilla > WotLK and yet still made it to raid every week because we only ran 1/2 raids but they wanted to gear on more characters.

Also GDKP communities exist, some of which have lasted longer than most guilds.

They’re not paying to be in it, they’re paying for what drops, not to participate raid.

Then you’ve clearly not been trying hard enough. Compared to me where faction numbers are actually low (and 10 mans still happen) people are advertising for 10/25 man runs all the time, either you’re lying or you’re not paying enough attention.

So you were raiding with two of your IRL friends and one of them bailed on you opting to do GDKP’s. They didn’t buy their way in, they buy gear nothing more, sounds like they were a bad friend, especially if they’re what seems to be the lynchpin of the group.

I’ll just quote what I’ve already said above about people buying gold.

Or people from 3rd party sites buy a few tokens post them low to maintain the value of their gold than non cheaters who don’t even check those sites just post for the going rate

The price of the token is set by blizzard to balance the amount of gold sold into the system with the amount of gold bought by dollars. Players can’t change the price.

You literally have 0 idea what you’re saying lmfao.