Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

FYI your Auction House Bots in WoW use the same formula as the Dev that got fired and created Dragon Points to accumulate massive amounts of game currency from his guild in that game in the 90s used that currency to control all the low level crafting materials.

Nobody who started that game and who was on that server could craft anything or level crafting. If you wanted too level anything with leather or furs you had to buy from their Guild because their guild was running the whole server for currency to kill those two dragons hense why its called Dragon points for endgame currency to control the game market.

Wow has bigger servers so its harder. But hackers and bots today in wow still to this day use his formula. That the cold hard truth.

I know I was there…in the 90s…on dial up internet…back then we had low server populations than we do now…

You people defending GDKPs…

You know nothing John Snow.

If your guild requires gold/points from you to run you on a raid…They are not a true guild. They are using you.

A guild should help its members and work together to complete tasks as by definition. Not require gold/points from me to take me on a raid.

If I bought 2 million gold off a 3rd party site violated the games TOS and put it in your guild bank ie and you gave me points for it or paid for a piece of gear…Yeah Id be in Your raid at some point…You are Boosting and not helping the community. You are huring it and a virus to it.

Guilds in WoW as a whole lost their Way especially with the use of GDKP groups…I played vanilla even mmos before WoW. I been here for decades. I love this game. Hate to see it get to the point that game did so long ago…it destroyed that game. That one server did. It was a fun game tho.

I will stand up and voice my opinion. I have that right. Dont like it…I dont care.

Ill report every GDKP group you are using a gdkp system to boost and yes it is against TOS and is on the reporting feature and is not abusing that feature… Ill voice my opinion.

Bring back the definition of a guild Blizzard!!!

Helping the game with GDKPs? Your hurting it more than helping it and destroyed the whole point of a Guild.
Mic drop


Ban GDKP its a vessel for real money transacted currency in game and it makes the game effectively pay to win. Players should not be using world of Warcraft as a conduit to illegally gamble on GDKp runs.


Pay 2 win but they have to kill the same bosses and do the exact same fights as everyone else?

You do know real pay 2 win means you just buy it from a store right?

Not true gonna take more time to see long term effect of banning GDKP on the overall health of the economy

Mainly pay 2 win in the sense that gold acquired through a real money transaction corresponding to a probability that

A) the items sought by the gambler will drop (not possible to know if item will drop)

B) the gambler has spent enough real money to acquire the item (not possible to know much or how little real money was needed to acquire the item)

C) as the # of GDKP raids increases the possibility of a player naturally forming a raid decreases

So yes, GDKP creates a pay to win game where real money transactions correspond to items, while also providing a way for people with gambling addictions to engage in illegal gambling.


It’s no different than using DKP for your raids only that this time the thing you’re using is actually tangible and isn’t up to the whims of power tripping guild officers. You can farm it outside of guild activities, it can only ever be deducted at the players discretion and it’s by far the most fair loot system.

Loot council is inclined to bias, whether that’s nepotism or otherwise but it’s the best loot system in a perfect world.

MS > OS is just a roll of the dice, which I can see some seeing that as fair since everyone has an equal chance of winning or losing but I doubt anyone would like to see loot going to someone doing 5k dps because they were afk for half the fight and then died to fire on the ground.

EPGP causes suck ups to the higher ups in hopes of getting more points than the other suck ups. In nicer terms it causes forced guild interactions instead of natural ones all under the guise of getting ahead of everyone else, now I know that there’ll be people that’ll deny this but if it can happen, it will happen.

GDKP is an auction, most gold wins, which can and does cause some of it’s participants to RMT but while that is an issue, the allure of GDKP’s isn’t in the loot alone, it’s the pot at the end where everyone gets a cut of the gold spent regardless if you yourself spent gold. It’s the reason why some players will continue to raid even if they don’t need anything, the gold alone is reason enough so that then they could send that gold off to a different character and buy gear for them.

It’s why SoD raiding took such a nosedive after the GDKP ban, they now have no reason to raid, they have their gear, why continue? I’m sure those numbers will pick up again for 60 content but I doubt it’ll hit what it was at 25 > 50 unless Blizzard does drastic changes.

Buying gold for GDKP’s is quite honestly such a waste of money, you’ll get the gold for free just from the GDKP pots. The people that buy gold are the ones who are impatient, the ones that want the gear as soon as possible, the ones that want to stop playing that character or Classic all together until the next phase comes only for them to do it all over again.

This is the only convincing reason I’ve ever heard, and I’ve heard it many times, about why GDKPs would be beneficial to exist. However the problem of RMT (dollars → gold) exists and it so clearly hurts the game while also basically getting handed off to GDKP carries. It being handed off to carries is not as much of a problem as the fact that it’s being acquired illegitimately and at the expense of the server (bots).

In a perfect world this would be a non issue because in a perfect world all gold would be organically sourced from real players playing on the server.

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So none of those could be true when a person buys an item.

Thanks for clearing that up.

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Sorry, I’m having a hard time making sense of what you meant. Can you help me understand what you’re trying to tell me in your post?

That you can’t prove or know if anyone in a gdkp has actually bought gold.

You’re assumption is just *guilty until proven innocent ".

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Can you help me see how what you just said is related to your previous post?

I could.

But what would be the point?

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What do you mean?

Which part confused you?

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This one

Can you help me see how what you just said is related to your previous post?

I don’t understand the question.

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When the token on classic servers pays about 6k gold to buy and people are dropping 200k on items in GDKPs its safe to assume if they bought the gold it came from a third party site.

When you get that Hunter in RDF that’s decked out in full BiS and doesn’t know any of the mechanics that’s a pay to win player.

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I think it is a troll not a person who cares either way. Was hoping they would elaborate but nothing offered. It’s true it’s not exactly possible to prove that X gold in a pot of Y gold is legitimately or illegitimately acquired outside of after the fact. So that was interesting just wanted to hear more.

I do think it comes back to the fact that it’s pretty obvious that the gold isn’t legit and blizz banning it in SoD is proof that they acknowledged it’s a problem.

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