Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

You don’t find grown adults dropping thousands of dollars on pixels in a game remake a symptom of “low impulse control”?

Omg the gressil in that one gehennas gdkp!! You’re blinded by frustration and out of touch. Most gdkp players don’t even buy gold, and if they do it’s like 20 bucks here and there.

Wait for the bots to come back? Stock up and blame blizzard for the bots problem. Nice.

Ask Holyseizure how much his guild sold their first Mim head for in Discord :skull:

Yeah since classic release played on 4 chars almost every reset clearing the raids, so i had my fare share as being a participant or a leader.
In the first place you shouldnt get raidgear for currency be it irl money or gold. If you cant get into a raid thats on you, but you should never ever be able to purchase highend gear for money

You sound jealous that your guild couldn’t even kill 0 light Yogg lmfao.

I’m not even remotely surprised tho.

dude the mats were inflated no one could make gold farming herbs or fishing in wotlk you pay to post bam undercut by 10-15 bots with hours worth of farmed mats turning them into pots cost you gold and there was inscription herbalists shouldve been the richest in the realm that expansion but like 80% of the players with gold just ran GDKPs for their gold and only ever spent that gold on GDKPs players gave up/quit. Players dont enjoy playing with cheaters they get their nostalgia hit then see trade chat and nope right on out of that crap

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Whys that? If you’re so good at WoWing then you should’nt need GDKP in order to play. There are plenty of mobile games out there if like paying to progress.

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I had yogg 0 week one.

Fun Fact: You can raid with different guilds on different toons.

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Drinknblink is a walking(assuming they walk) contradiction. Anytime someone says something they don’t like Drinknblink goes to logs to grasp at parse straws, meanwhile they haven’t hit a top 100 parse on any phase of Classic on the easiest class to play, and did less dps than arms warriors in P1 WotLK.

They likely need GDKP to carry them.

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Its that bronze league brain. When the team wipes they gotta find something to blame. GDKP is their snuggly little safety blanket.

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I’m sure when he asks you what guild you were in u will definitely answer it

only like 30~ guilds in na have a week 1 yogg-0, 3 from whitemane, all of which have their own gdkp


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Tbh before i quit SoD this last phase the prices in the AH for consumes were crazy expensive. People would go broke just buying consumes for raid. I dont think banning gdkps did very much to help inflation.

OP, the correct title here is “Please up the suspension for gold buying to 6 months or permanent.”

If I trade you 100 gold, its not causing inflation, 100 gold gets removed from my inventory while in the process 100 gold is added on your end.

Now as where gold comes from, I have no idea, you can have someone that is legitimately farming gold, playing the AH, doing dailies etc.

If someone is going to a third party site with the intention to buy gold so they can get buy a certain drop or multiple in a GDKP, That person should be banned for 6 months or permanent.

Don’t take away emergent player behavior and choice because one guy went into a BWD heroic GDKP, dropped a very fat bid on Reclaimed Ashkandi with his bought gold, punish that person in question and remove amount of gold he bought for.

Filled with illogical fallacies…

Like I can farm up the gold myself without ever google searching a Third party site to buy gold or buying a WoW token and enter a GDKP to buy a piece of gear if it drops, am I considered a “swiper” because I farmed up the gold the legitimate way?

Still barking up a tree on this one?

Hitting the RMTers with a 6 month or permanent ban bat would do more change to botting and RMT then banning a loot system.

No you didnt lmfao.

You are a normal raider.

It’s pretty common for a lot of the organizers to dabble in RMT with the large cuts and volume.

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Citation needed.

If Cata was not released SoD would be doing better there is only so much time players have to play a game and investing large amounts of time to a seasonal temporary server isn’t all that appealing. SoDs release took a really big chunk out of the wrath classic community for a while now Cata is out.

Plenty of non GDKP guilds and runs out there to do if you can’t get into one that’s a you problem.

Lol mats are farmable can’t afford consumes go farm the mats. Consumes were expensive cause there were way less bots