Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

You dont know what GDKPS are. They do the same raids as everyone else. They dont create or destroy gold

That’s actually William and that specific toon in classic actually ran with Creation’s Gdkp lmfao.

He averaged a 55 in BWL.

But with RMT

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Potentially. But that fact is that a majority of those who participate in gdkps don’t RMT, and if you remove rmt completely, gdkps still exist.

That dude participated in gdkps.

But they do go to a GDKPs for the payout…which is large because of RMT.

Bots drive down profit for a regular player to farm > they get pushed towards GDKPs to make gold > more bots farm gold > the cycle repeats. HMMMM, sounds healthy for the game LOL

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In 2019, then stopped because I don’t like the degenerate RMT crowd who do GDKPs. Now I’m asking for them to get banned.

You still do GDKPs, then defend them on the forums. You love RMT, just admit it. How much overtime you put in so you can afford to raise your parse on a third party site??? LMFAO

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i have to give you props, you might be the first gdkp hater in existence to actually figure out what is happening instead of just complaining about inflation

This is precisely the problem with tbc/wotlk/cata economy, the bots drive prices into the floor and they only recover for 2 weeks per expansion

Did the Williamferal account get banned? Wouldn’t be surprising.

There is still inflation, since the gold supply increases. There’s also an increased supply of gathering mats because bots never sleep.

GDKPs are bad for the game. No one is spending 100k on consumes. They are spending 100k+ on items in GDKPs. They don’t get that gold from doing dailies. And the GDKPs didn’t create that gold out of thin air.

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All of that is true except the bad for the game bit, I don’t think low prices for consumes is bad in most cases

RMT is bad for the game. It’s end game boosting. It’s also degenerate. This is a game made for nostalgia, not an epeen measuring contest for manchildren with low impulse control.

Just look at how people respond to banning GDKPs. “no one wants to raid without a payout”…that’s just pathetic. People need a payout to enjoy raids? Why even play at that point?


I have no idea who snekblizken is. He’s in CHF, one of the biggest gold selling guilds on the server. All they do is GDKPs.

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This has been explained to you a million times and you’re still not getting it I don’t think you ever will

I left SoD for this reason, why cant yall just let us play how we want to

Was it a success? So many people left SoD at the start of p2

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So then you are fine with botting? Just let people play how they want, right? Cash shop for legendary items? Let people play how they want, right?

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Exactly. Let people play how they want within the current and tos legal confines of the game. (TOS Doesn’t need changed or updated against gdkps. GDKP are not RMT, no matter how many mental gymnastics you want to do.)

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Yeah, TOS doesn’t need to be changed, just enforced, because GDKPs are RMT and should be banned.

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I guess we all had our fill of the word “gaslighting” and now “low impulse control” is the new pseudo-intellectual buzz phrase. Guy who sucks at making gold (and probably money irl) takes psychology 101 and shouts at clouds.

I would argue that seeking nostalgia is more “man-childish” than participating in the “epeen measuring contest.”

Agree RMT should be banned, gl with that though with the existence of the token.