Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

its more believable that people will waste dollars on gold to buy pets or throw away than for raid loot. Sure buddy, keep huffing that copium pipe.

Nope a lot of those actually are pay to win.

You could at best call RMT in WoW pay to tie, but since the people organizing GDKP’s for the hardest content expect people to actually be playing and not carries especially early in a content cycle even that’s not really true.

I think the game being out for over 6+ years is how we got pots that big.

Sod phase 1 had 10g payouts, because it was a new game.

Wotlk classic had 10k-50k payouts because it was out for over 6 years.

There is no inflation, it was cheaper to raid in wotlk classic than it was in SOD.

It will be cheaper to raid in Cata than it will be in SOD.

Prices of stuff has already plummeted

Weird how the retail version of the game had gold caps designed to be unobtainable through normal play yet Classic players are reaching them fairly regularly. :clown_face:

It’s GDKPs incentivizing RMT which leads to botting. You support and love RMT. Sad really.

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I sat in Org in Shadowlands and made 500k gold doing inscriptions on launch.

Another Williamferal the Normal hot take.


Didn’t we learn that banning GDKP had a minimal effect on botting with SoD? Weren’t there like 50 Mage bots sitting outside Stockades 24/7? Didn’t we have tons of bots in original Vanilla and TBC without having GDKP?


but obviously every coin in those 500k was farmed through quests and strat runs. It couldnt possibly be whale money off RMTs fueled by bots and GDKPs.

Where have I ever said that?

This is world of Warcraft half the people playing probably swipe.

You probably swipe

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I dont care enough to do so, but if I did I would. It takes less time for me to make enough cash for 10 tokens than to farm the same amount of gold. However, I feel like paying desperation prices is dumb as hell, and can just wait until everything gets cheaper or trade stuff with guildmates / alts.

I don’t think anyone here is saying that all gold in gdkps is clean.

No gold anywhere is fully legit, but at the same time it isn’t my game it isn’t my responsibility to police their game.

Now if I’m farming I will report bots but I have 0 ways of proving your gold was bought.


The forums are a great way to tell if they are even getting rid of the filth.

Just need to use it differently.

Why wouldn’t they? Pets can sell for thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of gold any collector would want them and when they can just skip the farm by buying it through the AH why is it so hard to believe that one would RMT for the gold?

Gambling is Gambling, there’s people with real gambling problems in WoW. Personally my raiding group in TBC was told to stop doing cross gambling because a raider has a severe problem with it and can’t help himself when presented with it. He lost all of his gold despite needing the gold and have even heard him say that he bought gold because he gambled it all away.

You think it’s more believable that people would buy pets/throw away gold than they would buy raid loot? Is this a mocking response because it makes no sense to me.

If you read correctly, he stated Shadowlands which would mean retail which would mean that there’s no GDKP’s… Could still be RMT and bots but you didn’t really read it if you’re suggesting GDKP’s in retail.

So to clarify what I was selling it was an item that scribes made that allowed a player to respec anywhere in the world.

So how it worked is of you were raiding you typically picked talents based off the boss fight for best performance.

So say you were fighting a council fight or a fight with adds you would pick your cleave or aoe talents to maximize DPS.

Then say you beat that boss and the next boss was pure single target, you obviously wouldn’t want to stay with those aoe talents and the only way to respec is in town unless you had this item.

So this item allowed you to respec your talents anywhere and 1 of the items they added to finally make scribes good again.

I was selling like thousands of them a day just sitting in org when raids opened. Literally every raider would want them.

It was called Tome of the Stilled Mind.


Yeah, makes complete sense why you’d make so much gold from it.

Both of you depend on RMT to play. That’s why you support GDKPs.

GDKP supporters are bottom feeders that require RMT to get carried. Sad really.


Theres seems to be confusion here regarding what GDKPs are. GDKPs are raids, they do the same raids as encounters as everyone else. Players bid gold on items, and at the end that gold is split back to the players in the raid. Its a zero-sum game, it doesn’t create or destroy gold. Its just traded as a means to determine loot distribution. It works regardless of how much gold the raid has.

I depend on GDKP’s to play? No I don’t, I raid with a guild, I make my gold through the AH and I support GDKP’s because everyone that has a reason to ban them doesn’t know what GDKP’s are. They see gear for gold and think RMT where the truth is that while yes RMT does happen and it does get spent in GDKP’s not everyone who does GDKP’s buys gold.

Buying gold is such a pointless action, gold is so easy to make in Cataclysm, if you’re struggling to make gold then you simply don’t know how to make gold. If you think that me making my gold through the AH means that I rely on RMT then sure you can think that but the truth is that normal players can and do buy my auctions because they’re at a price where others can buy it, no RMT necessary.

You’re accusing me and Drinknblink for relying on RMT when you know nothing about us other than what we’ve stated here. You make the meteoric leap of logic that just because we know how to make gold, that we know what the players currently want in the market that we have to be buying gold. That kind of accusatory thinking will get you no where, pointing the finger at others just because they have more gold than you is quite honestly sad.

DnB literally spelt out how he made the gold and you accuse him of relying on RMT… In Shadowlands… Jog on mate.

If you think that GDKP’s contribute to inflation (which is doesn’t) then that only further proves my point in that you don’t know anything about WoW’s economy.

If you think that GDKP’s destroy communities (which is doesn’t) then that only further proves my point in that you don’t know anything about how GKDP’s funtion.

If you think that everyone who likes to GDKP buys gold then you’re simply too cynical to form an opinion that isn’t already tainted by your bias.

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There is no confusion. GDKPs are RMT and should be banned. It’s a game, not a second job. Imagine buying gear because you are too bad to clear content without carries LOL


Yes. You buy pixels LOL

You buy pixels… lol.