Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

Does gear make you not die from standing in fire?

How are you serious? That’s the same thing for all p2w games. Does gear help you not stand in fire in lost ark? Like are you a bot? These forums are insane.

So you’re fine saying this game is only as pay to win as lost ark then? Got it.

If you’re saying this game is p2w because your definition of the phrase is so bad then you’re saying all MMOs are pay 2 win.

Do you not see how stupid that is?

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They are being purposefully ignorant because they love RMT. Likely either because they make money off it or they’re too lazy to farm in game and need the gold. Maybe both.

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Again it isn’t the gold, it’s the fact that those runs are overall a much better experience for a pug.

It isn’t even close, my gdkps progress faster and farther than your guild runs and most like the other dudes guild runs too.


yeah it is. If you need constant dopamine hits to justify enjoying a game then you have a problem and should probably take a break from playing.

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You’re actually delusional and think being able to buy gear isn’t p2w, I obviously can’t talk to you if you’re that detached from reality. You’re a good player and you obviously have no reason to buy gold so I’m not sure why you’re mind ending yourself into this insane interpretation of p2w but whatever, hope your day goes well.

Probably because it’s a new expansion and people are playing the new content so the demand of rugged leather is low.

Typically it’s because you’re not a fit skill wise or socially. That would be my guess for the top two reasons why someone may not want you in their guild.

People have done this since the inception of LFD. Again, this is a supply and demand thing.

Not everything is GDKP’s fault. It made more sense to ban it in SoD.

It isn’t the gold.

The gold is literally used as DKP but for all gdkp raids, the gold itself isn’t the reason people do gdkps.

It’s the fact that the runs are clean

My ICC gdkps were doing 12/12 Heroic including killing heroic LK, your guild couldn’t even kill heroic LK but my gdkp runs could.

Doesn’t that tell you something?

The main issue is pugs suck overall unless it’s a gdkp, there is a reason you don’t see organized MS/OS or SR discords being thrown out because they don’t exist.

You may not agree with the loot method but you can’t deny their results.

The definition of P2W has loosened throughout the years, so some of us believe it to mean different things. The bottom line is that if there are no losers involved, then no one’s really winning.

yeah it is. you love RMT

It’s almost like allowing an RMT system in game is bad for regular players or something.

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It has nothing to do with rmt, you’re just clinging to this notion because you can’t grasp that people like me don’t want to play with people like you.

The harsh reality is not all players are created equal, your runs fail because you have people grouped up who aren’t good at the game.

The fact is you wouldn’t make it into my gdkps because you’re detrimental to the raid because unfortunately you are lower skilled.

This is why you have gdkps full stop. People want clean runs and gdkps do just that, the gold is irrelevant, if I want to gear my alt up I’m sure as hell not joining your guild 3 SR pug to only do normal bosses, in joining an organized gdkp that’s going to clear heroics.

That’s the sad truth you can’t accept.


Yeah it does. You’ve said before that people wouldn’t continue raiding unless they get paid. You depend on RMT and love that it’s so accessible to players.

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But the definition for the past decade has been has included being able to buy your way through progression, gacha games, korean mmos, ect. I don’t think it effects wow as much because the entire game isn’t built around it like those other examples but it’s 100% as p2w as those are.

I mean in my gdkps you aren’t buying a carry, if you don’t perform you get kicked.

We do the same raids as you, we just have a different loot setting.

Good players have gold


Skipped over everything else.

And if there is no gdkps why would I raid on an alt? Haven’t you been paying attention, I don’t want to raid in your guilds SR runs lmfao, removing GDKPS removes the most organized pugs.

See once again it isn’t the gold…keep ignoring it tho I’m sure you ignoring everything and quoting the parts you want will eventually work out for you.


That doesn’t make it pay to win.

Dude, I’m not anti-gdkp. I know how they work, I know they generally don’t take bad players. Also, you don’t have to be that good to go to weekly gdkps and rack up 100s of k. My point which you can’t and won’t be able to refute is that the lack of GMs and allowance of gold buying has inflated those pots like crazy. You really think ppl doing shattrath dailies are how we got 300k sunwell pots?

:clown_face: So Gatcha games, korean mmos, basically nothing is P2W then?