Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

But but buttt… I thought that 198k Gressil in Classic re-release was legit.

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indeed they do, an exceptionally limited ceiling, some would say they aren’t very inflated

Pro tip there’s a lot of BiS or near BiS you can get from the AH not from GDKP’s.

That should be a clue that GDKP’s are not the driver of RMT.

I don’t know if you’ll ever get where you want if you limit the scope to just a few categories. It would be more accurate to compare GDKP pots to AH revenue. At the moment, on any reasonably sized server, I would estimate AH revenue to easily be in the tens of millions a day.

It also sounded like your predatory GDKP friends are preying mainly on the whales in their own GDKPs to, as you said, perpetuate their RMT cycle. So yeah, I’m not at all surprised that their small sample size of goldbuyers will consist mainly of GDKPers.

I would find it easier to believe if they ran a whole goldselling business that caters to the rest of WoW as well, but even then, I’d be surprised if they can even figure out whether the gold is going towards GDKPs, the AH, or whatever else.

Potions, Flasks, Gems, Enchants, Pre-BiS BoE’s, Mounts, Profession Kits, Transmog, Companion Pets, Recipes, Gambling.

These nerds are still going to end game raid even if they don’t get a payout. They’ll still run alts too.

Thinking you have to have constant dopamine reward to make anything worthwhile is the sign of an addict, not a healthy functioning person.

Ban GDKPs and help protect RMT addicts from themselves.

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It is kinda crazy how many ppl will really hardcore defend pay to win in 2024. I get it, gdkp is an effective system and great way to get gold. Pretending you don’t know where that gold comes from or that there is no inflation or that it’s not making the game more p2w than the worst offenders in the MMO space is ridiculous though. They’re not going to ban it so stop coping and freaking out.


It’s the most popular and fair loot system next to Master Loot.

Completely different “Seasonal” game with vastly different parameters. The Devs covered this and specifically stated why they are able to test this there where in Cata it’s just not possible. You would destroy the established game of Cata and drive away it’s dedicated community.

Speculative. It has caused players to quit so that is just less playing in the community of SOD. If they brought back GDKP in SOD then more people would play SOD. Don’t be surprised if they bring it back for Phase 4.

Lot of folks sounding quite broke and unable to get into a guild to raid with. Don’t like GDKPs, don’t go to one. Find a solid guild and enjoy the game that way. Quit trying to cancel something just because you hate something.

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Pro tip, GDKP raids are killing the same bosses as any other raid.

Never bought gold with real money and attend gdkps. How is it pay to win? As far as I’m concerned, you have to do the mechanics or you wipe raids still.

Now if we can use valor points to trade for gear only in raids or something like that instead of gold during raids, that would help a lot. So instead of banning gdkps, create a gdkp like system because ms>os or ms>os+1, sr, hr raids are not good pug raid formats.

It’s more like gdkps are the best ran pugs, it really isn’t so much we need a gold hit of dopamine, we just want better pug raids for our alts.

Notice you don’t see any good pugs for the other loot systems and their discords being shared?

Wonder why??

You just associate the loot system as bad but really it’s just that gdkps are so much better organized and clear far more content.

My week 1 gdkp did 2 heroics, that’s literally more than your guild currently does lmfao.


The jealousy is strong with him lol

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And his guild name is “Heroic” but they only do normals.


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Imagine having to play the game without RMT :skull:

It may incentivize you to see the sun for once

You’ve had zero parses in the top 100 in all of classic for any phase. You did less dmg than my ARMS warrior on p1 Sartharian :skull:

The irony of you trying to parse shame people is hilarious.

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Only one of us is hiding friend

Yeah, obviously. I don’t understand how you could misinterpret what I said in this way but I’ll be more clear. With the combination of blizzard selling gold for $ and gdkps selling gear for gold anything in the game can be purchased with $.

How do you make your character stronger in world of Warcraft?

Pay 2 win implies you’re buying items that are stronger than what you could get in game by playing normally.

You could buy 1,000,000 gold and never see your items drop.

You also have to form a raid, kill the bosses just like everyone else no matter your loot system.

In typical pay 2 win games you bypass all that and just swipe from a store.

So what you’re saying doesn’t make much sense.

Youre buying stuff people are getting for free and calling it “winning”, or your item never drops and you don’t even get it, how is that “winning”?

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