Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

Needing gold perpetuates buying gold.

The auction house is the biggest contributor to that


All I’m seeing here is an assumption backed by “I have goldseller friends so I know”, and you’re trying assign the bulk of this RMT to GDKPs, but I don’t understand how you could possibly know that unless you had ways of tracing RMT gold to GDKPs yourself, as well as all the non-GDKP RMT.

I’m not denying that there are GDKP groups that may have a whole RMT cycle going, but I don’t think there’s any real way you can tell just how much RMT is happening without GDKPs, so I don’t understand how you can even come up with a rough estimate at all to compare.

I mostly just level anymore so I don’t have a dog in this fight, but these GDKP discussions always manage to entertain the heck out of me

the heck you talking about, the economy is fine. brain dead dailies + 7 rdfs/week = 5k gold, flask are like 60-70g (240-600 for cauldrons) and feast are like 45g. 1 person doing dailies for a week could fund flask/food for 8 hours of raiding a week with gold to spare.

Ok mr. I have landslide enchanted

Landslide is literally all you guys cling to because it takes 5 of a very hard to get resource atm.


Of course, its 7 wow tokens on my server for a single enchant, but please tell me about how the economy isn’t ruined.

It isn’t everything else is dirt cheap…

You know it which is why you’re only bringing up that one enchant

EVERY enchant that requires the new crystal are insanely expensive where have you been?

You must not know how to get them.

Everything else is cheap.

Literally you can make over 16,000 gold a month doing Tol barad dailies for 30-40m a day.

Volcanic potions are under 5g/ea.

Int flask is 50g/ea.

You’re actually trolling bringing up maelstrom crystals as your “gotcha”.

When the price drops significantly in a few weeks, will you also credit GDKPs for the price drop?

are you for real right now?
yes, the Maelstrom Crystal Enchants are expensive right now. Do you understand why? There are no farmable trash epics to DE for them. Most raid drops are used, and the few that arent are staying in guilds for enchants. So you are option is to DE a BoE Epic that’s still selling for what, 4-5k on the low end right now. Orb based crafts are still good for 1.5-2k/orb. The ‘cheapest’ source is to craft and DE engineering helms, which requires you to be a 525 engineer/enchanter and still sets you back 1k in mats + the orb for each one you make and shard. its not a rmt/gdkp issue, its a supply problem. Give it a few weeks for there to be more raid epics in the shredder and prices will come down.

Way to many people in there complaining about the server economy without the slightest clue how they work.

He 100% knows this he’s just being disingenuous on purpose.

Notice how he didn’t bring up everything else that’s dirt cheap he clings to the one item that isn’t because of how maelstrom crystals work.

Some people just have no idea how the economy works in WoW, GDKP’s don’t cause inflation, just because the people in those GDKP’s have a lot of gold doesn’t mean that they’re injecting that gold into the economy. They’d rather hold onto that gold for other GDKP’s and the things that they do buy wouldn’t be enough to suddenly cause inflation. Things are expensive right now (even though most items have gone down significantly) because we’re nearly 3 weeks into Cataclysm, I suspect another slight bump to prices (or stagnate prices for a week) from the people that didn’t want/have the gold to spend on professions etc.

If you want to know what keeps prices low it’s bots. I know this first hand as when Blizzard banned bots everything on my server instantly tripled in price, I believe this happened in TBC. Bots keep the price low because they’re the main supply of trade goods, you want to see inflation, ban the bots (not saying that they shouldn’t be banned).

Gold is so easy to come by too, I've made 60k in a week and I've not done anything special.

It’s 39k for an enchant that uses Maelstrom Crystals, compare that to the enchants that don’t such as Hurricane and It’s much cheaper.

Yeah? Why wouldn’t it be, you get Maelstrom Crystals by disenchanting epics something which this early in the expansion isn’t a common thing. Guilds will be keeping theirs and the only people that’d really sell them are GDKP’s or singular people who are willing to craft and disenchant crafted epics, it makes complete sense why they’re expensive they always are in the first phase.

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Its funny because if the games inflated why does minimum wage (dailies) keep up with the inflation?

Those wages never go up and you’re actually limited by the amount you can do.

Shouldn’t min wage not be efficient enough to cover your raid expenses??

You can literally make 600g/day just doing 35m Tol Barad dailies, that’s 4200g/week.

Even if you said on the really high side it costs you 1500-2000 gold a week to raid in consume (it for sure doesn’t) just doing the dailies making MINIMUM WAGE covers it EASILY.

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Landslide is not 7 wow tokens. You don’t need Landslide anyways, what do you need it for? Go get Avalanche.

You know what’s really funny about you crying about enchants that were this expensive in original Cata?

This. It’s intended bro, stop crying LOL.

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Listen, I don’t want to take sides, but I’ll share what I learned in the GDKP scene.
Easiest way to win loot in GDKP’s is going to be focusing on your gold per hour while farming.
When you translate currencies, IRL average gold per hour while farming (@work :construction_worker_man: :man_office_worker: :woman_health_worker:) has a huge advantage for most. (if not, grind some IRL professions or rep ASAP).
IRL farm = WoW Farm = Classic :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:
More Work. Less game. Buy gold. Win loot. Beat game. :moneybag:

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Please buy our gold, we promise we will have the intern work on the game once we watch some youtube videos on hosting private servers.


for what, exactly? Consumes? BoEs? Transmogs? All those have a limited ceiling and are nowhere near as atractive as having the latest raid loot without wait

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Yeah look how well banning GDKPs in SoD went. I quit once they banned GDKPs along with many others and now SoD is on life support. Boomers fear the GDKP because they want to be carried to free loot while they grey parse.

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