Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

“how would i know?”

“you know because you know”

source: i made it up trust me bro

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The source is common sense if you actually play this game outside of raid logging GDKPs. Which you clearly don’t.

Every version of wow has rmt, it isnt my job to police it.

I dont have the tools to know if anyone bought gold.

Sod was literally nicknamed Season Of Swiping and it has no gdkps.

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“you know how you know”

“its just common sense”

You sound like you are about to read my tarot or something, common sense a superstition and definitely not related to rational thought

You can’t point to a single thing that would lead you to this “common sense” except random guessing and then you use the random guessing as a source for your random guessing, it’s really interesting how many backflips you can make people do by asking them the same unanswerable question over and over


There are those of us out there that have had quite a bit of wealth and all of it earned legitimately from gdkp, yeah i’m sure some of it possibly even a good amount of it was bought by someone else that I have no affiliation with.

But I easily earned over 3 mill and spent most of it in wrath, but I raided like it was my full time job I was raiding between 5 to 12 characters through naxx and ulduar well into ICC atleast raiding on 5 of them. I had like 700k before prepatch and now i’m down to less than 200k, 200k was spent on archeology maybe a little bit more and then transmogs, professions etc. I’ll make it back because I need to buy both a legendary staff and possibly the daggers but not sure on daggers yet.

You’re basically hanging out with incels if you’re involved in GDKP. No thanks . .


I have never once ran a GDKP and never had an issue raiding or affording anything on the AH. I cant belive how dumb people are. Prices are always insanely high the first couple weeks of an expansion. All prices have dropped except maelstrom crystals and enchants using then. And even they are slowly dropping with the release of raids and epic loot.

Im convinced people who hate GDKP just suck, they need an excuse for why they have no gold or cant perform well enough to get in a good guild. I can afford all gems, enchants, and raid consumes from daily quest gold.


yes its peaceful the players that are playing are really chill and enjoy helping each other gold doesnt matter to us still playing we just enjoy the game.

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And you’re a keyboard turning back peddling clicker.

Yeah, do I want a friggin soccer mom not pulling her weight in my raid? Do I want some sex-having chad leaving mid-raid to go get some? No. I want nerds in my raid. I want introverted, focused young men, driven by sexual frustration to excel in a fantasy world. And together we will ascend. It’s a game based on math with a little bit of chance. Give me the raider who understands this. Give me the raider who wants to pump those numbers up and get paid for their effort. Give me the raider who is good, who knows they’re good, and knows that if you’re good at something, you don’t do it for free. I made that quote up and I also invented the Internet.

Don’t you find it interesting that pretty much all of the anti gdkp posters are hiding on low level rats?

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NO. Please let us GDKPers just do our GDKPs. We all left SoD because you banned them.

busy raid log people surely make up the majority of the gibberish name paladins farming strath around the clock. Its def. not third world farmers or bots that funnel that into gold selling websites. Absolutely. Even though I know a handful of people whose literal income comes from that and who even let my alts tag along while they farmed for the free xp, they must’ve been honest hardcore raiders. Surely.

Im so glad gdkps aren’t going anywhere

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What point are you trying to make with these snarky posts? that gold farmers/sellers exist? Yes, they exist.

And the game is better without that attitude

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Gold farming for its own sake is rare, most of the time its to sell to people who will use it in GDKPs where organizers will pool it for sale for real money again. Pretending these things arent intrinsecally linked is just dishonest, and since I know people involved in every part of the chain its just funny how people contort trying to deny something that does happen. People swipe for a few dozen thousands, outbid brokes / sweaties, splurge the gold everywhere and are happy. Cuts for people who never bid as they’re already geared and extra cut for top players and organizer all gets sold for money, and returns to the cycle.

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Gonna guess early TBC all early level classic mats stashed in a guild bank owned by a lvl 1 so no new players could lvl prof unless they farmed all their mats no new players could afford mounts and it spiraled from there again no evidence just a guess

So you’re saying people buy gold to buy things with the gold?

Great incite.

to buy BoP raid drops through the only raid loot method that enables them to do so, namely GDKP. The proliferation of that demand propels the rotating cycle mentioned beforehand.

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