Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

They forget before nerf strath was like 700 gold a clear. In a short time.

All that nerf did was make it so it took 2 to 3 times longer to do that.

The gold is still there. You can’t pull half dungeon at once is all. It’s 700 for an hour. Not 700 for 30 minutes. So potential 1400 an hour.

that would depend wouldn’t it? do you think that no one has ever earned 200k gold legitimately? do you think that people who attend gdkps on multiple characters per week can’t have 200k?

I gave the one, extremely niche example where it’s maybe possible. But 99.9% of players are not going to do this, so glaives routinely being pre-auctioned for 200k as a minimum price wouldn’t be the norm if gold buying didn’t exist.

I mean you aren’t wrong that warglaives were sold for 200k, sometimes shadowmourne was even sold for millions, I personally got multiple 50k+ cuts from icc as a regular pleb (no additional cuts) in a gdkp, so in theory i could break your system within 4 lockouts on a singular character just by raiding

then I go to your gdkp and bid 200k and you are running around HELP BLIZZARD HELP ITS A GOLD BUYER when i am literally just spending my cuts lol.

Youre speaking on glaives alone.

If i wanted glaives on my alt gdkp toon which is a rogue, how would i do it?

Maybe id be doing gdkps every week since phase 1 of TBCC.

Black Temple was phase 3, that means id have 8 months or so to stack gold.

Say the rogue is my only pure gdkp toon, once phase 2 launches i then do gdkps from phase 1 on my main mage.

Do you not think id come up with 200k gold with that many gdkps?

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When you have cuts going for that high, and you bought an item with gold bought from GDKP… you know a very large percentage of that gold you obtained from GDKPs was bought. Like someone mentioned in this thread, you had organizers who took gold from the biggest whales in the group, and resold it back to them to be recirculated back the same GDKP. Everyone involved in GDKPs knows the bulk of gold is bought. In theory GDKPs wouldn’t be an issue if RMT didnt exist, but given that it does, it’s inherently harmful for the game as it bases the economy around RMT and screws over anyone who doesn’t engage in it.

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Saying that is dumb, you think every organizer is now a gold seller?

That logic is laughable at best.

so we are back to square one again

I have absolutely no idea where their gold came from, unless they flat out tell me they are buying gold

I could randomly guess ? I suppose? but then what would that accomplish?

“excuse me mr gdkp organizer guy but I think this guy might be buying gold could you do something about him”

“how do u know hes buying gold”

“uhh he has a lot of it”


In cata, literally questing and dungeoning at cap lvl. I’ve spent tens of thousands of gold on mats at this point, just earned by doing that.

the funny thing is, every gdkp that has 50k cuts spawns 25 new “ludicrous giga whales” every 4 weeks by delvin’s standards, so there are potentially thousands of people around the gdkp scene who could if they wanted to, bid on a 200k item and none of them would have bought gold for it…

and they don’t even know the source of their own gold, nevermind the people they are pugging with


Alright Ill bite. What am I doing that is unfair?

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People who know how to make gold don’t actually farm it. And for those who do know how to make gold, the profits from GDKP is considered a very small amount.

I’ll give your goldmaking knowledge a rating of 1/10.

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This is a strawman. No I didn’t say every single individual does this, but as an aggregate this is a serious issue that happens on a large enough scale where GDKPs legitimately ruin the game for anyone who doesn’t partake in them or RMT.

When someone drops 50k for skull or guldan or 200k for glaives, you know exactly where it came from directly or indirectly. In real life, if you know money you received as a gift was stolen, you can be prosecuted for taking it. Same logic applies here.

“Those who know how to make gold, buy it or take a cut from people who do buy it in a GDKP”. Proving my point, lol.

So if you find a boe epic and sell it week 1 and it goes for a lot of gold, can you also be prosecuted for using the AH?

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I’ll give your reading comprehension a 0/10.

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“directly or indirectly” even in your strawman hypothetical you don’t know where it came from, i’m asking you how i would know and you respond with “you know exactly”,

The reason you can’t answer it is because there is absolutely no way to know where any gold came from on world of warcraft if you are not part of the wow anti cheat team and it is completely on them to remove gold buyers from the game and not on you to be some sort of guess work vigilante isolating yourself from groups because you have a hunch that someone bought gold based on absolutely nothing

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In SoD you can. I knew people who got suspended for selling pendulum of doom for 5k gold.

Except you do know… because that isn’t an amount of gold 99.9% of players would ever have legitimately.

X for doubt

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Deny all you want, lmao. Enjoy cata where blizzard engages in RMT themselves.

This guy is more confident in his RMT statistics than Blizzard.

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