Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

You and I both know this is a lie.

I can’t even begin to describe how out of touch you are with the comment.

Your youtube “research” does not put you in touch.

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I didn’t cite youtube videos, you did.

No I am just assuming that’s the extent of your knowledge.

Because mine is backed up through experience doing gdkps several times a week since tbc.

Organizers are the biggest spenders, because they get propped up with their admin cuts.

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I think he was saying that thats prolly your only knowledge on the subject, which is prolly true.

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If you want to debate based off anecdotes, then I can say from experience knowing people who regularly do GDKPs: everyone in them buys gold, big ticket items like skull of guldan routinely went for 50k+, and 200k+ for glaives. This is not normal amounts of gold.

People bidding 50-100k gold per your own answer is ludicrous. How do you think the payouts get so big that people have that disposable gold? cough cough buyers bought gold cough cough.

I’ve reported GDKPers who admitted to this behavior to me too and saw them get a pathetic 2 week suspension. Just lol, swipers need to be perma banned.

You can find payouts of GDKPs easily on a variety of sources, this isn’t secret knowledge. GDKPers post their bidding log publicly all the time.

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They are public to the people in their discord.

Which I have been in and seen with my own eyes.

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Do not ban gdkps.

extra cuts for organizer and top performers from his circle of friends pool up gold from the participants into their RMT operation, which they then sell to whales who’ll spend it on next week’s GDKP anyways to perpetuate the cycle. Its not imagination, thats literally how a handful of organizers I personally know did it back in TBC.

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They increase the demand for RMT which increases the profitability of botting which increases the number of bots adding gold to the game, so they do in fact indirectly add gold to the economy.


how would we know that?

darkmoon cards increases the demand for RMT which increases the profitability of botting which increases the number of bots adding gold to the game, so they do in fact indirectly add gold to the economy.

I don’t like bots either. Go after the botters, not people trying to raid fairly.

Yes, and those are a game mechanic. GDKPs are not.

People raiding fairly do not raid in GDKPs.


How many guesses do you want for where he pulled it out of?

Burning 200k on a warglaive sure is a sane amount of gold a normal gold farmer would have. Definitely honest, legit, and hard earned. /s

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So then what specifically is inflated in the economy?

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Prove it isnt.

Prove that it is. Tell me a legitmate gold farm where someone would earn that kind of gold. I can give you 1, a person has 2 accounts with a boatload of alts with alchemy transmute CDs. Is it possible an individual has that and does that and is willing to spend their life savings on a single glaive? Yes. Is it enough players for glaives to routinely have this cost? Hell no.

Someone buys gold to buy items. The gold get shared among participants. They then sold gold to buyers through middle man websites.

IT’s a cycle, so demand will be met with supply. Bot will continue regardless, with or without GDKP.