Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

Not even sure why this nonsense discussion is still going on tbh.

:thread: :mute: :no_bell:

They are the only ones worth anyone’s time. Everything else can be considered a bad run, not to be taken seriously and certainly not to be used as an example to make policy decisions.

that would depend on which is more prevalent. I dont have the numbers to argue one way or another but if 30% of the GDKP enjoyers partake on high stakes discord runs and 70% are in clownfest trade chat GDKPs, then clownfest is the landscape and decisions should be made based on it. But again, dont have the numbers.

So what? That happens in plenty of raids besides GDKP’s.

While some of the gold being used is farmed or gotten from quests, I dont think anyone will deny a lot of it comes from RMT. Its not that GDKP or carries directly cause GDKP but they’re certainly a big drive for people who dont want to perform to get geared as soon as possible. Blow a couple hundred, get passed everything you can use, repeat every week. Raiders are happy, buyer is happy, integrity suffers but its been long since anyone cared about that anyhow


GDKPs are good for cata. The only people complaining are those who dont make money

Most people who actually do GDKP’s will deny most of the gold is from RMT, the amount most items go for is kind of proof of that. But I understand reality doesn’t fit your narrative.

And we’re talking about people being carried in raids not the gold. At least in GDKP’s the carries are both honest about it upfront and they contribute at least some in the form of gold to the pot.

In terms of integrity that’s much more honest than a lot of MS > OS runs.


One pays for laziness. Or lack of desire. I can be either lol.

I mix the 2. I buy stacks sometimes. Usually when I am short say 10. If a milestone ding I just don’t want to hunt that down,

But usually I just go gather as I wait for pops in rdf or bg. If I get lucky mog greens drop. One more mog tab checked is a good thing,

You and I both know it’s an illicit gold laundering tool, that ruins the economy for anyone who doesn’t partake in GDKPs.

Yup, totally not incursions invalidating open world content, ST being an overstayed half hour raid with almost no loot, and the insanely overtuned runes creating a pvp 1 shot meta and killing class identity. Totally not that there is nothing to do outside raid logging and those garbage incursion. Yup, it’s the “GDKP ban”. /s

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It is, because despite everything listed, the gdkps would chug along without missing a beat.

Also, you can’t “launder” gold in wow. It can always be traced, especially if it involves player trades, which all gdkps do.

So the population would collapse to SoDs current numbers due to everything else I listed, and the only pugs left would be GDKPs… driving away even more players. If your theory that GDKPs are what killed SoD, shouldn’t it have died in P2, and not weeks into P3? The evidence isn’t backing up your claims, sounds like you’re just bitter your precious gold laundering tool got removed.

It sure can, which is how blizzard start banning RMTers in SoD. You know perfectly well you are going to get swipers who drop a ludicrous amount of gold on a single item that no sane human could ever feasibly farm themself…beep bop…and that bought gold is getting laundered to the carries through the raid.

That’s not laundering though. That’s simply exchange of currency, like someone stealing $20 and buying pizza with it. That money wasn’t laundered it was simply spent.

I like GDKPs. The no-gdkp rule in SoD is why I stopped playing SoD. There seems to be some confusion regarding what gdkps are so let me share why I enjoy them. Firstly, the raiding itself is like any other raid. We are also finding progress to be an enjoyable challenge, and our current focus is on progging as many bosses as possible. The difference is in the loot distribution.

GDKPs do not add or remove gold from the economy. They are a zero sum game for gold. Like most GDKPs, our loot distribution does not differentiate between buyers and carries. Anyone can go for gear they want, and everyone shares the gold that represents the value of that item. If you get more gear than average, you end up with less gold than you started. If you get less gear than average, you end up with more gold than started. The raid ends up with the same net gold that it started with.

I like this system because its the fairest system of loot distribution. its fair for both the players who already have gear, and those who don’t already have gear. Its fair for main characters and alt characters. It avoids any issues where there is ambiguity over who needs what loot - people can make their own decisions regarding what they need. It also allows people with busy schedules to raid at will or go to different raids without issues. Its a great way to meet new folks and have a good time raiding.

I understand that other people like other loot distribution systems. Theres a place for SR raids and free roll raids too. GDKPs are the raid I like to do.

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IRL, if you know money was stolen from a bank robber and you willingly took it from them in a sale, as a gift, etc., it’s still a crime you can be prosecuted for.

You know people doing these ludicrous bids bought gold or got gold from GDKPs that they themselves know was bought. You are the middlemen in RMT transactions. It’s laundering gold you know is bought without directly receiving it from the seller.

False reports and admitting to false reports is a bannable offense, just so you know.

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Making false reports is not a bannable offense.

You are incorrect. its also just unethical.


I am completely correct. Abusing the report system can result in action, simply making reports on anything you feel like is not against the rules.

This doesn’t happen outside of sensationalized youtube videos, most of which are probably fake anyway.

With cuts being around 20-30k gold, people bidding 50k-100k is well within rational.

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It can be traced up to the amount of time and money blizzard is willing to spend doing it. Since that seems to be very little you can launder quite a lot of gold in wow.

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