Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

I was there, I’m assuming you were too and BoE’s didn’t go for 100-200k week one, people weren’t dropping hundreds of thousands of gold on single items out of gdkps. Bots keep consume prices low so it’s not even a big issue for non gdkp enjoyers.I feel like you’re misunderstanding what I said… There is no question about it, the EU prices were like 1/4 of ours and are still 1/2. Like, all I said was we need GMs to stop gold buying, the token isn’t even the issue. Removing GDKPs would probably kill cata but if gold buyers got restricted to the token I don’t think you’d see these outrageous prices. Even in GDKPs the majority of ppl who don’t buy gold have to wait a few weeks for gold buyers and the people who run 12 characters. Waiting on the latter is fine and I know there aren’t a ton of people dropping that kind of money. I think the main people being affected by the inflation are the GDKPs, it doesn’t really bother people not doing them.

I engage on the parts I enjoy and I dont with those I dont, gold never enters the calculation. If at some point I didnt want to log in, gold wouldnt keep me subscribed, neither would progress or gear. Its either fun or it isnt, I already have a job to do things I dont want to for a reward. Although, I do like my job 3/4 of the time :smiley:

That’s still avoiding the question, do you do things in WoW you enjoy less than other parts to enable you to do the things you enjoy more?

nop, I do what I want when I want to and dont particularly concern with enabling x or y

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So when you hit a point where you want to do something but can’t do it without first doing something else you just stop playing?

If I dont feel like doing that something else at the time? Yeah, I just get up and go do something else with my time instead. It doesnt matter, gear will be put on points vendors or 5 men, or better gear will come from BGs, or content will get nerfed to hell. It literally doesn’t matter.

And that’s fine if you’ve decided you don’t care about doing certain things, others have not made that choice.

sure, but this is a mindset thing, there’ll be new gear that you get behind on because you are already behind farming old gear, the type of player you are dictates if that is what you want or not

Kick being, I do enjoy Heroics. I play a tank and a healer, I would never ask for ‘compensation’ because I like those roles and I enjoy 5 man content. I like raiding with people I like, they tend to be on the higher end of mediocre so we clear just fine after some learning pains. So Im fine.

But if I didnt, gold wouldnt get me to do it because its irrelevant. Thats the thing. GDKPs work on making people things they dont want to for pointless digital currency. People puff their chests acting all superior when they’re just addicts chasing a bigger number next to a coin icon, doing things they no longer enjoy and telling themselves its ok because they got make believe money out of it. THATs whats insane.

If you like grinding, grind. If you like progressing, progress. But if you dont like something, have the strength of character to just not do it. Dont justify your addiction keeping you tied to something you no longer enjoy with bs metrics as gold earned. And if you’re so broke the money off RMT matters to you, own up to it and enjoy working at WoW.

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And there it is, after all that speech about people just doing what they like doing we get the lie about GDKP’s just being about RMT.

It’d be disingenous to pretend none are. More so because I know several hosts who do in fact sell gold locally. A lot of farmers are latin, from Venezuela and other countries.

SUre, there are prob. people doing it just to cope with wanting to play / raid more than is healthy. Those are just sad. But there are also people who do it as a second income stream, specially from third world countries like Venezuela or SEA. And thats fine, I just with they were upfront and honest about it.

RMT is in the game, if you can’t personally vet every gold you have back to a vendor or mob you have RMT gold. And it’s disingenuous to pretend otherwise or that the amount in GDKP’s is any higher than anywhere else.

I have no clue where you got any of this from, I do gdkp because they are better runs than pugs to gear my alt that isn’t in guild raids but could be used in guild raids, its simply a loot system that provides the best time: reward. I’m not “chasing pointless digital currency”, I usually break even

They are more flexible, I can control my own loot (within reason), for example I can buy stuff I know that I will never get in guild and they don’t care if I miss next week or 2 weeks because I had to fill with that toon and they are available at all times of the day so if I have 3pm on a saturday I can just find a run for 3pm on a saturday.

What do I do if I don’t gdkp? go to the trade chat at 2:30pm on a saturday and say “hey guys any raids?” or do i join a guild and rip them off for gear so i can use it in my own guild’s raids down the line? there isn’t much alternative

Live, ideally. But more seriously, you’re not the people I’m talking about. You want a good structure and it just so happens runs with a monetary incentive are better organized, ok, great.

However, I know plenty of people who make / gear alts solely to ‘farm’ GDKPs, either just to hoard gold, waste it on transmogs or novelty gold sinks like the chpper or mammoth, or to sell. They’ve long stopped enjoying raiding or the game, and are just transactionally connected due to habit.

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Or they’re just people who understand putting in effort to get an end result.

And that related to buying gear how exactly? I could buy 6 tokens, suck at my role and still outbid the sweatiest player in the raid, so much for effort.

More importantly though, its a game. Thats a nice outlook to have in life, not so much in a leisure activity. You already put in effort by paying a subscription, if you need to suffer more for it to be enjoyable maybe re-evaluate your priorities.

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Or maybe those people don’t GDKP’s as much as you do :stuck_out_tongue:

Luckily they already said in an interview that gdkps wont get removed from cata. So this whole thread can be removed.

Easy way to get removed and replaced in real gdkps, especially with Cata raids. This isn’t Molten Core anymore.

Even if so ‘real’ GDKPs aren’t the only ones out there, and as people gear up more spots for pure buyers will become more and more common. Pretending GDKPs are this pure expression of utmost competitive sweatyness is dishonest, plenty of times a core of 15 pros carry 10 loaded bads.

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