Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

Is this another example of your obsessive need to state the obvious? I doubt anyone is surprised by that when there are normal and heroic raids, in og cata lfr raids, and in retail mythic raids. There’s also hard core guilds and casual guilds. They all appeal to different people for different reasons. Even in your guild I’m sure people are Marginally Sufficient in different ways for different reasons. You, for example, are Marginally Sufficient in your ability to think.

Nifty how you refuse to quote entire posts :stuck_out_tongue:

Let me help you with the parts you missed.

I don’t know, on god’s green flat earth I’ve never seen any curvature with my eyes.

Jokes aside I still stand by my statement that anyone who hates GDKP so much most likely don’t know much about them other than gold is involved.

This is blatantly obvious from the lies you see most of the anti GDKP crowd spewing.

As well as their refusal to acknowledge that on top of gold GDKP runs are often smoother and more fun runs than MS > OS runs.

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Beyond your obsessive need to state the obvious everyone here knows about your obsessive need to quote the whole post no matter how long. People have occasionally laughed about it. I’ve always guessed it was because you can’t remember the post you’re replying to after you start typing. Since I don’t like to laugh at someone with a mental disability I haven’t mentioned it before. On the other hand I’m able to remember all the posts in a thread for hours, sometimes for days, so I don’t need to quote the whole post I’m replying to. Notice how almost everyone here can do that so most of us don’t bother to quote the entire post.

This is so true, the amount of people that know what they’re doing in GDKP runs (my friend streams his raids) compared to MS > OS or other PuG’s that aren’t GDKP, the player difference is as clear as day.

The thing is too is that most people who GDKP don’t even raid GDKP’s on their main character.

Well as long as you quote the context it’s fine imo.

Not meaning to just jump in but yeah, that’s what I think.

ziryus decided he wanted to ef with me with a sarcastic insulting comment so I’m just reminding him that when people ef with me I ef back. But jump in anytime you want.

Pro tip the quote isn’t for you and me it’s for others who are reading the thread, since this is a you know public forum :stuck_out_tongue:

Most of us are smart enough to know that there’s a little down pointing arrow in the quote block that will expand the quoted part to the full post if we need it. And if we don’t need it reading the thread is easier without every post being fully quoted. With 12,334 posts one would think you’d have figured that out by now but I guess some people are slow.

Yes, im in a guild but what do you do if you have alts you want to raid on becasue maybe you have more free time than your guild?

This whol discussion is based off gdkps and not many people main raid in gdkps, they usually run alts in gdkps.

Its no different than the people who are pugging in trade chat or MS>OS or SR, they are pug runs typically done for alts and not mains.

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The fact remains that you won’t see a random MS>OS or SR NOT GUILD run ever kill heroic sinestra or deathwing or heroic ragnaros until MOP. Tons of gdkps will kill all of these bosses, gdkps just have better players its not even a contest of the caliber of player that gdkps vs those that don’t.

It’s not simply that ‘GDKP players are better’, it’s that GDKP raids are much more organized and reliable, thus attracting better players while pushing them to perform at their best.

MS>OS/SR runs simply cannot compete with this as the leadership does not have the same incentive/motivation as GDKP raids.

Then why is fel iron 300g a stack you know that item from TBC?

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Because it’s the start of the expansion…

Need Fel Iron Ore for Engineering, Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting

Engineering and Blacksmithing for obvious reasons but Jewelcrafting because there’s likely not many if at all TBC gems on the market so you’ll need to prospect ore for your gems which as you probably know is 5 per prospect.

So two, potentially three professions use Fel Iron, I wouldn’t be surprised if the same applied to Netherweave and Knothide Leather with TBC items being probably at this point the least farmed thing at the moment.

Oh and you can use Fel Iron Ore to level Mining too.

It’s almost like I said “lack of content” lol

Doesn’t matter, they’re still GDKPs. GDKP and efficient raiding are not corelated, it just so happens that you are in those which are good, but plenty messy and scam ones also exist. So justifying GDKP with “well they’re better run” is a false argument.

running months of the same raid for no reward is NOT interesting for me

If the game isn’t fun why stay subscribed? Just for more imaginary coins? Its absurd.

What motivates raid hosts to provide consistenly high effort raid organization and leadership, week after week?


People want to be PAID to put in more effort than is expected/required, no one works for free.

Its a game, not a job.

GDKP provides this motivation

Requiring external motivation to enjoy something you pay for is insane.


I have never wanted to buy game currency off a 3rd party site and violate a games TOS just to be able to do endgame content. WoW promotes this activity with GDKPs. Im considering on buying gold just to compete and be in a Raiding guild. Because Guilds in WoW do not help their players unless they have GOLD!!!

Ill report all GDKP groups I run into…imo you are boosting. Paying a GDKP group for an item before it drops is boosting. You are paying that group to run you for better gear. This is boosting no matter how hard you try to justify the use of GDKPs.

Ive read the articles and feeds of where this all came from. Dragon Points was created in the 90s from dev that got fired and he wanted to screw over the game economy that fired him. He succeeded.

Be thankful the GDKP groups arent controlling all the low level crafting materials in the market like he and his group did. Here its the endgame items. Ill let you all figure out what game it was and what materials he did it with. Knowing is half the battle! Go Joe! Im old school…/roll


Because people are leveling a new profession and TBC isn’t the active expansion so Fel Iron isn’t actively being farmed.

Basic supply and demand stuff.

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Do you enjoy everything in WoW equally?