Please add RDF

Ok but that has nothing to do with talking to anyone in bgs

See. Compare it with open world pvp. There was always an incentive to talk to each other, coordinate stuff or just trash talk. Cross-realm battlegrounds destroyed that to some degree.
I can’t give another example because that’s literally the only thing that is cross-realm currently. It is not new that anonymity breads toxicity. It is well-given argument by anti-RDFs and there is nothing wrong about it but seeing how the game is changing currently it is not a very suitable (as 13 years ago).
Again, I’m not Anti-RDF nor Pro-RDF. That’s why I barely say anything in those threads. I see both points and they are both right in their vacuum. Saying stuff like “I DEBUNKED THEM LOL” is stupid because there is nothing to debunk there.

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Except it’s false, you don’t run into more negativity in RDF groups than you would otherwise. People just want to get the dungeon done RDF doesn’t change that.


It is not false… I am not saying people don’t want to do their dungeons… It really isn’t that complicated. People tend to be more toxic towards people they will never meet again, especially on the internet. It doesn’t mean everyone is, it also doesn’t mean that people just join to be toxic.
I have been playing retail up until the latest expansion and I know what RDF does and does not.

And on a healthy realm you will never meet the same people again while pugging so RDF is irrelevant in that regard(this was true in vanilla OG as well). Yet people are generally not toxic.


I am on a very healthy server I have been meeting a lot of people more than twice. I have also declined some people that were bad or toxic.

I don’t know how large trollbane is, I’ve pretty much never organically run into the same person while pugging on pagle.

Same in Vanilla through wrath, I can count on one finger how many times i ran into someone randomly I actually remembered.

Inversely I’ve missed out on a huge amount of dungeoning classic due to no RDF.


Trollbane is a retail server, also I’m level 10.
I don’t know but I remember people. Mostly people that behave negatively. I still remember Aristrusa the mage that just randomly left during our strath run.

Okay? I’ve seen people do that when not in RDF runs.

You replace them and move on, something RDF makes easier to do.


I am going to be completely honest with you, playing retail for 15+ years I have never ever remember anyone in RDF. Literally nobody. There are certainly more xxslayers5696xx than I can think of. When RDF is there, its just a “get in and get out” you simply don’t care who that person is. Its just mage X and tank Y that is pulling too slow and you ask him to be faster or votekick him.

I want to highlight (again): I think we are reaching that point in game where we need RDF but it still doesn’t change what RDF does. Anti-RDFs are correct with that statements but they also forget how we play the game in Wrath.

I can say the same about pugging dungeons in classic and for that matter vanilla back in the day so /shrug

Not seeing this as an RDF issue.


Might just be you as a person. Many peoples did have a great experience with people they met in Classic.

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I don’t disagree, I’m just saying it wasn’t with people you met when pugging when you(and them) went in with the explicit idea of just running the dungeon.

The player base was very much different in vanilla than it is now.

Well in fact I did meet a lot of people from doing dungeons. Literally my guild in classic was people I met from “just” doing a dungeon.

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That’s fine, RDF would not prevent that, in fact it would help it. By separating the people who just want to get the dungeon done from the people who want to make social connections you are more likely to make those connections.


No? People that want to socialise stop playing lol

You cannot be that stupid. You can literally see the patch info from launch. We’ve been in that patch ever since but the content has not been released. Stop with the stupidity.

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RDF does not remove any chat channels or any ability to form groups/guilds.


It happened 12 years ago and it will happen again. The game transforms into a “I want to rush to max level as fast as possible and dont care about anyone” game, which is fine, because that game has other qualities but it doesn’t change that RDF is the start of it. So if Anti-RDFs tell you that RDF destroys the social part, they are correct. It does but in the same time a new game comes that has other qualities.
This is not new. I have been there as many others.

But it didn’t happen 12 years ago.

All that happened when RDF was released was more people ran more dungeons. That seems a lot more social than solo leveling in the open world.