Please add RDF

Correcting your intentional strawmans of my arguments isnt moving the goal posts.

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Alright, so list them then instead of just deflecting and acting as if everyone is just ignoring them


If that’s what you were doing that would be true.

But since I’m not making strawman arguments and you do in fact move goal posts it’s not true :stuck_out_tongue:


he wont, because none of his “reasons” are legitimate to anyone but him.


He can’t because the his reasons are either flat BS or things people are fine with changing and/or are highly subjective.

  1. Rewards from RDF, that’s fine most people are totally fine with just leaving the quests on the quest givers in Dal.
  2. Teleport to dungeon, most people are once again fine with running to the dungeon assuming they have a group.
  3. Cross realm, and once again most people would be fine with it trying to prioritize same realm before going cross realm.

What is mostly wanted is the group formation anything else is a side effect, but he doesn’t like the root purpose of RDF.


Don’t forget the gold reward! /s

What people ignore the most is that its the facilitation of group making people like from RDF, the teleport and all that is just icing on the cake that we don’t really need. Just the grouping across realm facilitation.
As it stands currently anything not end game is just dead, RDF has the possibility of increasing accessibility to older content and making it potentially more worthwhile to do or even attempt to form a group for.


Which downsides that aren’t present in the current RDF-less iteration of WotLK?

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And let’s be real, 3/5 of the group already gets teleported. If that was such a problem, why don’t they advocate for for the removal of summoning stones?


Pretty much just hypocrisy.

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Maybe they just secretly get off on making other people do the work for them


It’s really not that secret.


which game has old school Scarlet Monastery? oh ya, thats WOTLKClassic

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Every single one of your anti-RDF points have been debunked and you refuse to acknowledge that.


Or Demo Lock with meta? Death Knights? The talent system? Visuals? Atmosphere?.. I still dont know what game im supposed to go play to get all of this.


Still waiting for debunks. There is no true or false with RDF. Both sides are correct

There are true and falses with RDF. “RDF kills social interaction!” is a false statement, especially now with other modes of difficulty for 5m content. “People just want to get carried for the free gear from the dungeon!” no one wants the gear from the dungeon at this point, they want emblems so thats a false statement as well.

What are the others? Incentives? Like the bag at the end of Titan Rune dailies? 2 extra old emblems and a small amount of gold… wow game breaking. It doesnt matter and thats scraping the bottom of the barrel of things to complain about.

What else?


It does, especially when cross-server comes to play. When was the last time you talked someone in battlegrounds?

How is that not true? People just want gear. How many posts are about “Oh no I can’t get into a group with my tbc geared char. I can do it!”

I mean don’t get me wrong, I see the appeal of RDF but I also see why people hate it. As I said, both sides are correct (but there is no reason to refuse RDF when the time comes)

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Certainly a long time ago, but that has nothing to do with no social interaction and everything to do with random bg players being some of the most toxic people in this game


50:50. Yes pvp players are toxic but they are that toxic because they literally don’t care who you are as they will never see you again (or they think you are bot)

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During the waiting period…? Why the hell would you talk while you’re being attacked or attacking someone?

It’s like, during a boss do you drop all your dps to tell the people about how your cat spit up a hairball? Like, c’mon…