Please add RDF

Unless they give us the Cata RDF tool which prioritizes people on your own server…


Who cares, its old content. Its like saying you have to group in order to level, its old content, they can nerf it so you 1 shot anything, it doesnt matter.

I care.

You might not, but that in itself doesnt invalidate my preference of no rdf.

And if you want rdf, you have dozens of other games you can play that have that feature.

And why should I care that you care, you dont care that I dont care. I just want to do the content.

No I dont. What other games are designed like Wrath? None, so no I dont have dozens of other games. If you want to form your own groups go play retail.


Dozens of other MMORPG have rdf type systems.

Honestly at this point I just take the “go play other game” as an admission of losing the argument. RDF isn’t the reason to play something, it helps make something more accessible and enjoyable. “Other game” still sucks regardless of its RDF-like system, and we want a feature that was a part of this game that we do like to be in it


That doesnt answer my question. What other games are designed like wrath? Talent trees, classes, DK, Warlock with Meta… which one?


They constantly lose the argument and the fact that they completely ignored my actual question to run with his strawman just shows how disingenuous he is and doesnt play WoW at all.


Yes and as long as you admit that it’s just some arbitrary preference that you don’t like RDF for mystical reasons that have no basis in reality that’s fine.


Honestly tried in Wrath; over it now.

Just stick with my Mage and be happy when im Raid logging / Arena logging the wrath experience so I can go back to Era.

You are 100% correct, I would be better off just playing a better game, but my wife is playing WoW so I am going to complain about blizzards malicious incompetence.

Current state of group finder for ToC5 on firemaw (largest eu alliance server) at 19:47 on a friday. A prot paladin (me), a blood dk, and a hunter grouped up. I spam lfg looking for a healer and dps, a few join, then leave. Even on a megaserver there simply isn’t enough of a population to do dungeons.

If they’re not going to add RDF, they at least need to make group finder cross realm. There are simply not enough players to fill dungeons outside of titan rune beta.

Edit: gave up on that and tried to do some heroics instead. There’s me, another prot pally queue’d for VH, and a group with a tank and 2 dps. Can’t imagine what it’d look like if I was on a smaller server.


I’d like to do the dungeons(minus Oculus) without spending an hour recruiting and then having the tank drop because something came up. If rdf releases with the ICC patch, all good. Otherwise, it’s another case of blizzard shooting their own foot off.

Blizzard ideas and “improvements” have no place in classic. If I wanted their ideas, I’d play retail.


Thats all rdf being good or bad comes down to.

Preference in game design.

Not really because people can objectively explain the benefits of RDF. Noone can explain the actual problems with RDF beyond “I just don’t like it”


RDF used to have alleged downsides

But now the game as it is currently has just proven those false so :person_shrugging:


You refuse to eveb acknowledge the problems when explained to you. And at best you invent your own strawmans to argue against.

Thats just Ziryus in general, best to ignore him

Quite the contrary I have fully acknowledged the legitimate issues people have raised with RDF and made it clear I’m fine with addressing those specific issues.

You just move goal posts when that happens though because you don’t discuss the topic in good faith.


It still does have downsides. But people are using the excuse of them having no social connections as none existing for anyone and none can ever be made.