Please add RDF

Yep. We’ll see and when the forums blow up about how “unfair” it is, I’ll be sitting here shaking my head with eye rolls. It’s impossible to please the average player base.

On one hand, you have people claiming the “game is dying!” blah blah. I will acknowledge numbers are a lot lower than they were when it first started popping and as such something tells me the queue times aren’t going to be what you think. I have been wrong in the past and will eat my words if I am … but I have a hunch I won’t be.

Sure, but how do you explain the prolonged wait periods in waiting for another one to join? If the dungeon has a first boss downed or whatever and it happens to be the one the person wanted, do you think they’ll stick with the group? The cycle will continue unless we have a sudden influx of players wanting to play tanks/healers - which won’t happen unless Blizzard implements some sort of benefit for doing such (IE satchels like they did with mounts etc).

Either way, time will tell. I’m just glad the spam will be over until something new pops up to enrage the forum mobs.

The thing is…even if RDF doesn’t solve queue times, at worst nothing changes, because getting any dungeons without it (particularly while leveling) is near impossible already


And most realistic dps knows they wait at this point. Even a more worse case 40 minute wait has a bright side.

At 40 minutes the dungeon will come. LFG is no gaurantee.

And during this dps can quest. Right where they are at.

My be s. priest had done tauren mills to the best she could. It was time to find more yellow quests till tauren mills can be run better.

She made her 1000 needles journey. I wasn’t leaving it. I jsut did that long as hell walk. It was home for the night.

No one wanted razorfen. I had my stone moved to 1000 needles so I wasn’t going back for SFK if it even came up either. An impasse levelers can hit often.


Even in Wrath OG the queue times never exceeded what, 40 minutes on a very slow day?

And there are a lot more people queuing as tanks and healers these days, just look at the LFG tool once in a while.

I’ll take 40 minutes on a slow day while being able to do other stuff over 2 hours sitting in Dalaran whispering people and staring at the trade chat.


This didn’t age well.


All I have to say is … don’t trust acti-buzzard too much. Until, I see what (if any) changes they make. They just can’t seem to help themselves with these things.


With RFD being added, does that mean your logic will be invalidated?


No, my logic applies to RDF not coming early. Which it didn’t… It might help if you actually took the time to familiarize yourself with what people are saying before replying to them.

the only change i’d want to see, is you’re switched to whatever spec you queued up for. I.E. if you’re a Balance Druid, and you queue as a Tank/Healer for an “instaqueue” you’re switched to Guardian/Resto spec. this is mostly due to RDF in the past, letting you queue for a role you’re not even specced for. had a boomkin hold the group hostage one time, because he “only queued as a Tank to get an instaqueue”.

sigh no…no they can’t, can they? :neutral_face: honestly makes me wonder just how much longer i can continue to justify paying $21 a month for this game really. i still play it, cause i enjoy it…but that’s gonna come to a brick wall sooner or later. and depending on said “changes”, it could be a LOT sooner than i’d prefer.


That is not what you said in your comment.


It’s an MMORPG. Games such as these tend to be cyclical. People will come back when there is newer content to go through then they will leave again. Most will come back for Cata Classic as they did originally, do the content then leave while they wait for new stuff again. People really should be used to this by now…lol


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