Please add RDF

Yes I do., I’m the one who told you that it is an actual battleground. Listed in a WPvP zone, but WG itself IS Classified as a battleground. Its a WPvP instanced BATTLEGROUND. Yes there captain obvious, it is in a zone… I realize that… but it is classified as a battleground, even in Wrath. Im against it coming in right now. RDF. I want it later. But it probably wont… cuz WoW token.

I’ve only made 98 posts in this thread at exactly 100 post here I quit posting here and watch the thread start to fall however slightly without me constantly keeping it up. . Most of my posts are in different threads. The majority of my posts here have been saying that I want it later, not right now.

See this is just yet again more proof that you people here make blatant lies. Caught you in two, back-to-back.

I can’t tell if this guy is serious or not. We’re talking about original Wrath. It was not a battleground. It was not cross-realm, no matter how many times you say it was. When they did limit the people inside, it still wasn’t a bg. It wasn’t instanced. It was server-specific and just teleported out excess people.

But let’s set aside the fact you don’t know how Wintergrasped worked. I have a question for you, since your entire argument is based on this. First, again I’ll state the fact that the patch a system originally went in has never mattered in Classic. Never. So here’s my question: why is rdf the exception? Why can every other system in 3 years of Classic go in earlier than it originally was added to the game, but not rdf?

Answer that. And…go.


Imagine making a typo

Right, babygirl?

I know. So am I. And yes. It was Classified as a battleground in original Wrath. Already linked proof of Blizzard calling it a battleground back in 09. You know if you got rid of every time that I have had to repeat myself to you people in this thread… I’d have maybe only 50 posts in this thread total as opposed to 99 right now. At 100 I leave here. Already told you, I boosted this thread to the top and I kept going until it was. I want RDF later. but not right now. Argument for not adding it was that it would ruin the community but the community already is ruined as is evidenced by this thread.

Mainly consists of back to back nonstop insults towards me and people being rude to me

And the fact that there are a bunch of these threads and Blizzard hasn’t posted on a single one of these kinda means they don’t care. My spam boosted this thread to the top. I got it there. Took 100 posts in topic but I did it. So yea. Want it later, but not right now. K now I’m out of the thread. Lol. You people keep doing what you do best, insult me while I am gone, insult each other, argue with one another and keep getting off topic Lets just see how this thread does without me. its top right now. I got it that way. 100% chance it has been seen by Blizzard by now.

Wintergrasp was not a battleground, it was a pvp zone.

How embarrassing


Pot calling the kettle black.
Love the clear signs of mental illness

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LOL. Ok, you’re just a troll.

I gave you an opportunity to defend your position, and you refused. And you keep saying Wintergrasp in original Wrath was a battleground, which is factually wrong.

So I don’t know what your goal here is. Everyone is laughing at you, as you keep digging your hole deeper and deeper.


Yes, thats what they are referring to, Titan Rune dungeons. This doesnt take a rocket scientist with another degree in astrophysics to understand.

Oh, believe me, no one is listening to you for advice.

So what?

IT WAS NOT A BATTLEGROUND. You are just grasping at whatever straw you can to pat yourself on the back to comfort yourself for being wrong so much.

You get the name wrong and want to lecture others? Its Pebble. Thats it. And what about it?

BAHA… the only one out of their league here is you. Its also hilarious that you havent answered anything of any importance just like all the other anti-RDF trolls on here.

No it wasnt.

no it wasnt, nobody cares what WG is listed as in retail.

No, it is a zone and the battle took place there. If it was a BG then why could I fly over it and see the battle taking place? Why would I get a prompt if I wasnt on a flight path to join the battle or I would be teleported out? BG’s are instanced, WG wasnt instanced. It was a part of that server. Just like Tol’Barad wasnt a BG either. I dont know how you can be so incompetent at this but boy is it sad.

We all know you are, even if you do say “I want it later” which makes no sense by the way.

They cant actually answer it nor can any other anti-RDF person out there. They just ignore it. Thats the only thing that should be asked so they have to answer it or they leave like they always do.

No it wasnt.

Bye, you wont be missed. You will be forgotten in like 3 hours.

It was doing just fine without your lies before. It will continue to be fine once again.


You’ve spent the entire thread doing exactly that.

Where was this?


Its absolutely nowhere. They made a bunch of stuff up and then said they were 100% right. Sounds like another forum goer doesnt it?

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Actually, that does sound familiar…I recall similarly deranged and unhinged posts from someone named Beaupeep I think? Or was it Miisa or Miina or something like that?

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Classic is built on top of 7.3.5. They couldn’t get the legacy code to work on modern server blades. After the Blizzcon announcement of Classic, they upgraded to 8.0. So RDF and LFR are already in the codebase and are just disabled. The upgrade was datamined by another user and corroborated by Marlamin on twitter.

here you go.


I love how anti-rdf posters say ‘But RDF wasn’t until the ICC patch!!’ and then use examples of other systems that were in Classic earlier than originally.

What point are they trying to make? :thinking:


They have no argument besides increasing their post count


Good call. Blizzard pls add this


RDF has been confirmed in the latest wow community council live chat on wow’s youtube channel.

This is a great day for PRO RDFers!


yup. people said it would “never happen”, based on Blizzard saying so. yet they also said they would “never” implement level scaling, let alone boosts or WoW tokens in Classic. yet they did all 3 things.

it was always a matter of “when”, not “if” they went against what they said. and now we have confirmation that phase 4 of Classic Wrath will include RDF. which i for one am grateful for, because trying to get groups for dungeons is like trying to give a cat a bath.

not only is it near impossible, its also excruciatingly painful having to wait nearly 2 hours, only for the group to fall apart half a dozen times, because people get impatient and don’t want to wait for a new tank/healer/dps to join.


And you think RDF is going to change this? Haha.

Unless you play a tank or a healer, then you’re in for a rude awakening.

I’ve spent literal hours in queue with RDF as a dps waiting for a group only to have the tank or healer bail as soon as it pops and then if I leave I’m locked into the group for another tank/healer to join in. If I left, I’d have the debuff timer and it’d be another 15 minutes before I could queue again.

This is a weak point to be making regarding RDF.

All that said, I’m neither for or against it … just tired of the constant spamming. It’s being implemented. Great. Let’s move onto the next “issue” people want to rage over and start the whole process over again.

We’ll see what the wait times are for dps, they were only 15-20ish minutes back in the day so it’s reasonable to think they’ll be the same now. The tank or healer leaving off the pop is not an issue since your group will be at the top of the queue for the next one to join.