Please add RDF

You’re obsessed with “But RDF didn’t come until the ICC patch.”

  1. That has NEVER mattered in Classic. Not a single time. You want a comparison? Cross-realm bgs came 2 months after Naxx 40 originally. They came with BWL in Classic. Way, way earlier. That’s just one system. You can name literally any other system and it also came early. Because there’s only 1 that supposedly has to come in the same patch it did originally.

  2. Blizz has said isn’t even coming with ICC.

So your argument fails on every possible level.


Remember when you said that Blizzard implemented CRZ just for one faction on one server to deal with Wintergrasp imbalance during the original Wrath release?

That didn’t happen. I don’t care how many deranged Illidanites might crawl out of a hole to agree with you. That’s not a thing that happened.


No, it WASNT a BG. You are still having trouble distinguishing between Wrath Proper and Wrath Classic. They are different. Very different in fact.

WG changed from being a server only zone conflict between factions over the ownership and access of VoA. Just because you can go on retail right now and queue for an epic doesnt mean anything aside that it was changed from Wrath to retail.

If you are all about keeping things as accurate as possible to that of Wrath Proper (which you clearly arent) then you should at least know what you are talking about in the first place. There are sites that are dedicated to keeping an accurate record of the history of WoW. wowpedia and wowhead being the 2 main ones. You should refresh your memory before you come on here spouting a bunch of nonsense.

Because it needs to be. Clearly you dont play Wrath Classic or else you would know this. Titan Rune difficulties created the need for RDF much earlier. Titan Rune difficulties werent in Wrath AT ALL, so we arent talking about keeping things true to how they were. Blizzard created this where RDF needs to be out yesterday at this point due to them splitting the playerbase even further than the communities did themselves.

No, no they are not, quit lying. This is about catching up, not about getting BiS like you want to harp on about. You dont even know what BiS is. Here is a little lesson for you, BiS means Best in Slot which you are not going to get from RDF. You just arent. The best you can get from the majority of the heroic dungeons are 200 ilvl, or 219 with ToC, thats not going to get you anywhere so you can quit with this “you just want BiS from RDF” nonsense that no one is even making. You should be ashamed of yourself for being this incompetent with having a conversation.

99% of the things you say are false. You just take the easy wins of “RDF wasnt out until ICC” to give a little something to pat yourself on the back with. So what? Dual Spec wasnt out until Ulduar… what is your argument there. You cant have it both ways that systems have to release with their respective content patch, yet pick and choose which ones ignore this rule.

RDF should be out yesterday at this point because it needs to be. It would solve so many issues that people are running into. Like… oh I dont know… running the content.

At this point I think people should just report your posts as trolling and everyone should just put you on the ignore list.


It’s becoming more and more obvious he’s just a troll. Why do people bother making outrageous claims that…they know are factually wrong? I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and say they’re not complete morons. So it’s more likely he’s just trolling.


Well yeah. See many miss the added side bonus of lfr. Classic should have this too. I want, I even demand, my lfr slapstick comedy show.

Its pure comedy gold entertainment. I ran lfr SoD for weeks not even needing it. I got its memories for lego’s quick when rng even.

I ran it for watching 10+ people get yeeted off the ledge by Ner’zhul. Truly fun times watching 10+ people AOE kncckback right off the platform.

Big circle platform over an abyss of fall death. It screamed yeah this dude will AOE. Yet the yeets came…lots of them.

About 1-2 months in even most RDPS learned to not stand so far away. Then it was…stale.

LFR would interfere with GDKPs, which fuel gold buying. It ain’t coming.

They’re probably going to use the same argument for why they kept RDF out, but…

I dont know why people try to compare LFR and RDF. RDF uses heroic dungeons which was the final difficulty of dungeon and just groups people together… LFR is a completely different difficulty and even mechanic count. It probably couldnt come in until Dragon Soul because the other raids didnt have this difficulty and I highly doubt Blizzard would go through all that.


Well I’m full epicced out on my Wrath toons. If you’re not… must be a skill issue. You’re the group of people who keep saying you play Wrath Classic but then keep mentioning Wrath Mythics or M+s one said. So you very clearly dont play it and wouldnt benefit from RDF anyways, same group of people I had to spend almost a week describe that RDF and LFG are two very different things, the same group of people who asked what the Perky Pug was and yet claimed to love doing RDF cuz they do it all the time, the same group of people who think Wintergrasp is not actually a battleground, the same group of people who didnt even know that RDF did not come out until ICC drop and near S8 until I said so… (oh. thats right, I havent said S8 in a while. you’ll go Google that and pretend you knew what I was talking about), the same group of people who didn’t know the difference between a content patch and gameplay patch, the same group of people who keep saying how they like RDF so much, yet kept coming it with LFG until I pounded it in your heads with multiple posts (see how I said the same basic thing twice there), the same group of people who asked why we got the penguin pet in Wrath and began to complain about it until I had to tell YOU people that it was put in game to mirror the Mr Chilly pet and then the same group of people who then asked why we didnt get the Baby Blizzard Bear equivalent at the same time… then I had describe, yes ME once again because I have to tell you people everything, you are helpless without me… and so I had to say that the Baby Blizzard Bear was not for WoWs 4th to come to Classic as such. Because Classics WoW 4th had not happened yet AND it is on August.

See why I get a little upset here? Cuz you people keep acting like I know nothing when it is actually YOU.

You not knowing how the game works and then being very bad at the game and getting mad at me when it is not my fault you are doing so bad. I said I want RDF but want it later, but also will find if so very funny if they end up not adding it anyways. And yes GDKPs do exist for dungeons as well. I’ve done them. So have many. Primarily used for raids though. Ive had to tell so many of you people how this game works. If it werent for me, a lot of you would be lost. So… Come at me acting like I know nothing and you know something…

I didnt compare them. I said that I am sure you people are going to start spam asking for LFR to come into Cata as soon as Cata launches. People been asking for RDF since Wrath prepatch. Some even began asking for it in TBC saying that they remembered doing it back then… LFR gives crap gear anyways and most are more difficult to do than a normal raid cuz you have no control over who you pick for your group. You queue up and hope you got a good group given to you. LFR sucks. But Im sure you all will be spamming need LFR here soon too.

That’s a lot of words and you still haven’t given a reason why rdf shouldn’t be in Wrath.


I never said it shouldn’t be. And just remember, your the same group of people that I had to TEACH the difference between RDF and LFG. You cant want something if you dont even know what it is.

Never said I dont want it.


You’re welcome.

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That one is even funnier than RDF. They won’t want higher raid!

I am an LFR hero. It did not motivate me to raid higher really.

Same crap drop rates, I jsut never saw decent payout from it.
Vice my pvp focus.

I had a WG go to crap last night. BUt I did clear 5K honor. Enough for one more alt’s relentless upgrade. I got something for my time. I like that.

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Rofl. Okay. But yea. You ofc had to do that to detract from the fact that 100% of what I said was right.

Nah, just teaching you basic grammar.

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These are Titan Rune difficulties. The fact that you couldnt come to that conclusion shows 1 of 2 things. Either you dont have any knowledge of what you are talking about, or you are a troll. Pick one and get back to us.

How so? I wouldnt be able to spam out dungeons to get emblems which would absolutely benefit me?

Must not have been on these forums because people can actually distinguish between LFG and RDF. You cant distinguish between Wrath Classic and Wrath Proper so you have no room to try to insult the intelligence of other people.

Some people dont care about pets so its not surprising that people wouldnt know nor care what it is yet they like to do RDF.

It wasnt.

who is saying this, name names and quote them saying this.

Its a pvp season… oh sorry I forgot to use google.

that would be you


What in the world are you talking about? Talk about going off the deep end.

Again… who is saying this in an RDF thread?


Because you have a big ego and dont like people telling you when you are blatantly wrong?

We arent acting, you actually know nothing.

Did I reply to you? Did I say you did?

Because its needed.

Like you saying Wintergrasp was CRZ with only 1 server… do tell… how would that work?

Yet people did it to finish out their tier sets quicker, and some of the color variants are better in LFR.

The fact they are different systems, I highly doubt it.


It was a typo. I have used you’re and your in here correctly multiple times.


But if you want to converse with me, stop including every post with ‘you’re part of that group that…’. That’s just silly prejudice.

However, I can say that YOU don’t know how Wintergrasp worked back in original Wrath, therefore I question your knowledge on Wrath in general. And the fact you’ve made 300 posts against rdf and say “But I’m not against rdf!!” I don’t fall for that nonsense. I’ve been around the block and know that game.

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No. One person said that Wrath Classic should not have added Mythics to the game. Another person said that they do not know why Classic had to add M+.

Yea… because of me.

I pointed out how some didnt even have one, yet claimed to LOVE doing RDF.

It is, actually. I already posted proof that it is a battleground. Already proved that point.

I told you people the difference.

Oh yea, thats right. You dont play Wrath Classic so you know nothing about Pebbles.

Who is saying it isnt? Get out of here, retailer. You are out of your league. Posting on a game forum that you dont even play.